
Monday, August 21, 2017

Living Out Loud: The Great Leo Eclipse

Hello everyone. I am writing this forecast under the influence. The influence of the total solar eclipse in fiery Leo, that is. Sitting in meditation during the peak of the New Moon, at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time, I contemplated what would be best to share with you, my readers, at this pinnacle event in astrological and astronomic history. What came through isn’t really new, but the volume is being turned up. It is a reminder that we cannot deny the Self.

Solar eclipses often slam the door on something false in our lives, in order to bring in an entirely new approach to our existence. The fatalistic tone of the ancients' views of eclipses holds true in this regard: if we deny the call of the Self, we are bound to suffer. And what constitutes release from suffering? It is settling into the Ground of Being, the Self, and expressing that which arises. It is of us, and it is expressed through us. We are contained in the Self, and we are also That, not separate.

How does the Self communicate its wishes, or movements, to our psyches, our souls, our body-minds? Through experiencing. Through embodiment, which happens in duality. Embodiment, or the Presence of Self somatically experienced, is Consciousness expressed as Form. Yes, it is temporary, it comes and goes, it is constantly transforming. Yet, even while experiencing is ultimately false in the sense that nothing lasts, it is real and true in the sense that embodiment is giving you a heads-up on WHAT IS HAPPENING. Conscious embodiment reveals where you are being moved in the Ocean of Existence.

Deeper Listening

When you get a gut feeling, a hair-on-back-of-neck prickling, a premonitory dream, a knowingness in your body that something is awry, wrong, “off,” do you listen? Do you try to talk yourself out of it – or into it, as the case may be? OR, do you come to full, crystal clear receptive attention, and take heed? 

If you practice responding to your other ways of knowing, they will get stronger and more potent, more accurate and eventually clear as a bell. What used to take five years to figure out, may take you five days, or even five hours, down to minutes and seconds. Embodiment of spirit, the feeling of what is good and true and right for YOU as the fullest, truest, best expression of Self, will become completely automatic, running in the background at all times. You will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle you – that’s a promise! You will speak with authenticity, authority, clarity and power. Decisions become almost effortless. You will fret less, enjoy more. You will relax into greater well-being on all levels. Your psyche will reward you with rushes of energy, more riches than you could imagine, and a sense that all is right with the World, because it is aligned with the Self, as expressed through your embodied Truth.

So, I ask you again: are you paying attention? Are you embracing or denying the Self? What is your soul asking? Is your solar plexus waking up and asking you to smell the coffee in a Big Way? What door needs to be slammed, or shut gently, in order for you to step onto the precipice and warm embrace of Total Self Expression? At this time of the Hot-Blooded, Full-Bodied Solar Eclipse in roaring Leo, the message is “Here I Am, World! This is Who and What I Am!” 

Remember, suffering is optional. Express the Self.

Erin Reese, Master of Science in Counseling is an author, spiritual teacher, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. 
For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly at

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