If you’ve been reading my articles, or had a session or attended
a group with me over the past few months, you’ll note that I’ve often mentioned
the incredible amount of HEAT on the planet right now. Mars’ long journey
through the cardinal fire sign of Aries, due to a retrograde, lasts seven
months, until the beginning of January 2021. Right now, this is being
exacerbated due to a square to the prevailing ominousness of the
Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn stellium in Capricorn that is raising hell with all
structures, public health, political institutions, and control issues. Need I
say more?
I’ve been talking about the heat, the fire, the kundalini
shakti being raised all summer. I’ve suggested to my students and clients to
stay ultra-aware of their energy field. To manage their internal energy
systems with the keenest consciousness. To take responsibility for their own volatility,
and tend carefully to what is needed internally and externally. I’ve discussed
sex, food, cooling, electricity, anger, and family relations. I’ve advised exquisitely
detailed listening to the body, mind, spirit. This is the way of responding and
As always, and obviously now, we must listen to the finest
points of what our souls are asking. We will always know exactly what to do,
and when to do it, so long as we are in the present moment. If you are
fretting about the future, or dwelling in the past, you are already long-gone,
and you will not be able to make any decision with clarity and confidence. This
is why I teach Freedom in the Eternal Now and Unshakeable Presence.
Your life is always here, here, here. Nowhere else. (If you
need assistance to see through the illusion of future-tripping, or
past-melancholy, consider coming to an Awakening Group spiritual talk on Thursday
morning, 9am PT. Email me directly for details.) It is vital that you
drop into the moment, and embodied presence, if you want to be at peace through
this great Transformation.
Things are heating up and will continue to do so over the
next several months. Where is the reprieve? It is in your own heart. The opportunity
hidden in disastrous planetary, political, and viral upheaval is to bring you back
to what is already here, inside of the Self. It is from this place that you
are able to make the move you need to make, to take the action that is being provoked,
poked, and pushed by Mars’ fire at the moment.
Allyson Grey, Jewel Net of Indra, 1988
At this week’s New Moon in Leo (Tuesday, August 18, 19:42
PT) the Sun and Moon are trining volcanic Mars, and there is a grand
opportunity to make a superpowered leap into your next life circumstance.
It is vital that you listen. There is always a window to jump through, a hole
in the net, a portal. What is it that your fiery courageous heart is telling
you? Now is the time to have 100% trust in the Self, and be carried into the
next chapter. We cannot sit back and wallow, eating up only what we are being
fed from the fear-based collective, no. Go beyond, to that place in your self
that is ready to risk it all, to make a move even when it doesn’t make “sense.”
Your very heart knows what I’m talking about. Pack light, and make the leap.
I love you,
The real world is beyond the mind's ken;
we see it through the net of our desires, divided into pleasure and pain, right
and wrong, inner and outer. To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond
the net. It is not hard to do so, for the net is full of holes.
~ Sri Nisargadatta
Maharaj, I Am That
Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary
spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over
thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive
readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and
mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business
coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied
liberation and freedom from suffering.