Friday, November 1, 2013

New Moon Astro-Tarot Forecast: November 3, 2013


Hold on to your core survival values, friends. We are entering a period of High Scorpio, sign of shared resources, in-depth healing, death, rebirth, and transformation. On Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 4:50 a.m. Pacific, we have a New Moon solar eclipse in the fixed water sign of Scorpio

The motto for Scorpio is “I Desire.” It’s about intimacy (INTO-ME-I-SEE) with others, and brings up all sorts of fun second chakra stuff, healing in the areas of creativity, money, and sex. If you’ve been feeling like things are ‘heavier than usual’ of late, it’s likely because the Sun's sojourn through Scorpio turns our lives inside out and shows us – at a gut level – what needs to be transcended. Scorpio is the Phoenix who rises from the ashes. Her energy is intense and requires nothing less than total transformation wherever it falls in our birth chart. It has to do with both right use of power, and empowerment.

Where Scorpio shines her spotlight at this New Moon solar eclipse, some sort of rebirth is imminent. These may be small or large “deaths” that bring us into the next era of our existence. Trust this change is a good thing, even if it doesn't feel like it at first encounter.

I was speaking with my writing partner the other day about my spiritual practice, or sadhana, wherein when Life deals me a hard hand, I have trained myself to drop straight into symbolic death, i.e. full surrender mode. I remember that I am powerless over the flow of Life, and I simply “die” to the experience. Zero resistance. I keep dying to my experience again and again. And, eventually the situation passes and I am reborn anew. Dying becomes easier the more we practice it. One of the best lessons I learned on my first trip to India, in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery, can be summed up as the spiritual inquiry: “If today is the day you are going to die, how do you wish to live?” 

At this New Moon, we see Sir Saturn aligned with Mercury/Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, and the Moon’s Lunar North Node – all having a post-Halloween party in Scorpio. What does it mean? Mercury in Scorpio near the New Moon asks us to communicate with ourselves, the Earth, and each other in gut-wrenchingly honest depth. Dark and night, shadows and light – wherever we are spooked in life, we can put the light of our attention and voila, it is no longer in the shadow. It is important to look it square in the face.

North Node in Scorpio points to where we are evolving as a karmic/soul phase of our lives. The eclipse point’s South Node is currently in Taurus, sign of “I have” and holding on to what we hold dear. Have you noticed how many of us are speaking of needing more “stability” and “security” of late? Everyone is seemingly ‘concerned’ in one way or another. With the North Node finishing up its journey in Scorpio in February 2014, these are the final months of this cycle of learning that to give away, to share resources, and to let go is to be reborn. “We cannot keep it unless we give it away.” Share, be intimate, intermingle and exchange finances and other energies with your loved ones and your community. Therein lies true security. It takes a village to raise a barn, a child, a future – but we gotta ask, take action, and give a little, too.

Saturn, the great worldly Teacher, holds down the Scorpio mix at the New Moon party and forces us to roll up our sleeves and do the work. It’s time to be facing the facts and making hard decisions, have tough conversations and merge resources – or disengage if the relationship or liaison is toxic. That’s important too. The great thing about the hard work required by Saturn is that he always, always leaves a gift. If we show a wee bit of willingness, the gods will conspire to bring us far more than we ever imagined in return.

Meanwhile, across the Universe, the Pluto-Uranus square* continues to do its thing, exact again on November 1. There is no resisting the flow of Life Itself – that is the main lesson I wish to convey about the transformative times we live in. Evolution must occur, and it will, in Uranian surprises and shocks. 

“Humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.
If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged,
we will always end up re-creating the same world,
the same evils, the same dysfunction.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
We cannot resist this evolution. If we try to resist, illness can take over – physical or mental. If you’ve been paying attention, you’re already aware what Life is asking of you. Do you need to change your diet? Your circle of friends? Your living situation or profession? Is it time for you to become less footloose and more grounded, or the opposite? Are you being asked to open your mind to a completely different view of the world?  Again, resistance is futile. Go with it. Remember that growing pains are inevitable, and suffering (a.k.a. 'rejection of What Is') is optional. Get on the Reality Track.

The Pluto Uranus square reminds us to examine what life was like during the Pluto-Uranus conjunction in the middle of “The Sixties.” Did some changes in consciousness occur then? YOU BET. Individuals and society as a whole experienced a total and complete meltdown. We were never the same as a people and a nation. Here we go again. Very likely, by the end of this cycle in 2015 you will wake up and find yourself in a completely different Life Experience than you are in now. Again, we are not immune. We are evolution itself.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at how this potent Scorpio New Moon solar eclipse is affecting YOU!

After purifying the Osho Zen Tarot deck and calling upon my guides and the Goddess, here are my channeled messages:

Erin’s Astro-Tarot channeled messages at this New Moon in Scorpio, November 3, 2013:
Tip: be sure to read for your Moon and Rising Sign, too!
UNIVERSAL CARD (for everyone):

This is the same Universal Card that we had two weeks ago at the Full Moon in Aries! We are improving but learning still to choose our battles. Give it up. Arguing is not working. There is no need to keep pushing your agenda. Let go. Call off the dogs in your mind and stop fighting with self and other.
Remember, you are Life Itself. Nothing is ever truly “wrong.” How could it be? Everything fits together in the whole. You are held in the heart of the Divine. Deepen into the Self, and give up struggle. A greater intelligence called Life is in charge.

Let go of old grievances, quarrels and hurts. You will move much ease-ier into your next cycle, dear Aries, when you surrender all the crud in your history. Drop it and move on.

You’ve had some rough cards of late, Taurus. Again we see a reminder for you to let go of perfectionism or judgment of self or others. Release the need to do it right, and stop the comparison cycle. Live and let live. Your values are not everyone else’s.
Yay! Finally you get a chance to let some ease and flow into your life. Have fun, spend a little dough on your self and your enjoyment. Just hold off on buying substantial “things” while Mercury is still Retrograde (until November 10). You deserve to relax more. Celebrate your life and do the Happy Dance.
Dive in, Crab, the water’s fine. Let yourself jump in completely, head first. You can trust your self and your significant Other to give you what you need. Take a risk by leaping all the way into the soup. You know what you want and need, you know what to do or say.You can afford to go whole hog.
Burn bright,Tiger-Lion of the night!  Whatever it is you are aiming for, now is the time. No one could stand in your way, for you are the King or Queen of the Jungle, and no one can compete with you when you Roar. Make it happen. Nothing can stop you!

Now is the season for you to break out of all conformity ruts, oh faithful Virgin. You need to actively overcome your conditioning to grow and think out of the box. You are not meant to be a sheep. Find your voice and bust out of the mold.
Take a time-out, O Socialite Libra. You need to calm yourself down and reflect. Dispense with all the voices in your head. You are not your thoughts! Go inside and quiet the mind. Sleep more.
Have you ever considered that what YOU want, dear fixed Scorpio-Eagle, is not necessarily what your partner or loved ones need? Stop expecting others to follow your ingrained idea of what is right. You will experience immense relief when you stop controlling and let others be themselves. We love you when you ease up.

Yahoo! You did it! You busted through a major life hurdle and the energy pulsing through you now is huge. This has been superhuman and totally timely and necessary. We are proud of you, Archer. Enjoy the burst of power.

Be aware and beware that you can sometimes be held down by the staid energy of your ruling planet, Saturn. Are you struggling to conform to society’s expectations of what you SHOULD be doing with your time and energy? Examine who you truly are and what you really want out of life, not who you think you should be.
Boy, your Uranian-ruled nervous system needs a break, dear Water Bearer. You are the most electrical of all signs and subject to shocks and shorts. REST and remember, “Easy Does It.” Don’t push the river. You already know you are not in control, and you are not in charge of plans and happenings. Sit back and enjoy the float.

Oh my sweet Fish, after so many weeks of frolic and splashing about in your ocean of Life, you’ve suddenly found yourself bogged down, stuck in the mud! Don’t forget to allow your true self time out to play. Take care of YOU by giving up a few burdens. Free yourself immediately, dear Fish! Congested situations do not suit you!

Did you enjoy the Astro-Tarot forecast? I love sharing this with you. Let me know with a donation to the blog or leave comments below – if many people like them, I’ll repeat regularly! 
P.S. Please email me directly for a personal astrology, tarot, or spiritual counseling session. I look forward to working with you.

*For serious astro-buffs, read about the Pluto-Uranus square and how it applies to your birth chart. Check out my friend and co-astrologer Jessica Shepherd’s workbook here: “Working with the Uranus-Pluto Square in Your Birth Chart.”

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