Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Moon in Gemini: Eighteen Things at Once

Today we have a New Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini the Twins. This buzzy, communicative sign loves learning, talking and writing as well as movement, variety and flexibility. Gemini energy doesn’t like to sit in one place for long! This New Moon declares “Avoid boredom at all costs!” and cattle-prods us to get a move-on – if not physically, then definitely in the mind. Mental stimulation and multi-tasking are main courses on the menu, and thus we are able to get a whole heck of a lot accomplished in the next month!

Need to tend your garden and clean out the garage, plan a party and host relatives, get the car washed or repaired, book your vacation flights and finalize itineraries – all at the same time? Well, you’re in good stead. The quadruple-handed Gemini Wonder-Twins are here to help! And remember: they hate boredom more than anything. Even mowing the lawn or updating Excel sheets can be enticing if they’ve got a hands-free headset, so they can talk to their friends at the same time. Keyword: multi-tasking.

Yes, I know, it doesn’t sound so holy and Eckhart Tolle to be doing so many things at once. But we can be very much in the Now while managing eighteen different things simultaneously. How? Well, for one, start with breathing long and deep. Drink water. And stay in the Working Mind, the engaged mind. As long as the mind has something to focus on in the here and now, it doesn’t need to cling to the future (‘worry’) or past (‘fret’). Mind is quite happy when it has something to do. And if there’s nothing, it simply remains as the fasting, resting mind of Being. Completely relaxed, awaiting the next moment, to see what arises. Then, on with the show!

Planetary Buzzy-ness

Now that Mercury is direct in its natural sign of Gemini, projects and ideas of all sorts are beginning to gain momentum. We’ve explored and expanded long enough, say the Cosmos, after the recent influences of the mind-blowing Full Moon in Sagittarius. Now it’s time to release our message and energies out into the World in day-to-day business and interactions. Contracts and agreements can be finalized, decisions can be reached, purchases can be made with far less static and hassle.

If you’re not sure where to begin, ask yourself: What do you have to share? With whom do you need to connect? What information do you need to gather? Get on it. Gemini is about getting the word out, and helps us move – quick like a bunny – with flexibility and adaptability. We become willing and able to turn on a dime to adjust our strategy.

Mars, the action and drive planet, is also in Gemini, tightly conjunct the New Moon and the Sun to add an extra shot of espresso to get it all done. With red Martial power combined with both Solar and Lunar energy, it could be overwhelming at times, making it hard to catch our breath. We may fear the plate-spinning is out of control, asking ourselves, “How am I ever going to…?
  • Learn this new software?
  • Take the car to the shop?
  • Plan for our summer trip?
  • Arrange for the kids’ activities?
  •  Stay in touch with my family?
  • Meet all these work deadlines?
  • AND let my sensitive nervous system CHILL OUT?
 Perhaps the reprieve to all this buzz lies in watery Neptune’s reach. Neptune in Pisces has just turned retrograde, luring us toward a bit of dreamtime rejuvenation. Neptune beckons us to get horizontal, sip iced tea in the shade, and enjoy a screen-free moment, day, or week. We let the synapses calm down by staring at the green of Nature in the park or forest; we relax the over-amped brain with a day at the beach, basking in blue skies and sea. We soak in a spa, rinse the stress off in the shower. We lie down in a quiet, darkened room, read a book, enjoy a cat nap.

In short, we take intermittent breaks. Otherwise, the RAM of the brain overheats and we feel fried, get a migraine, or simply have a very difficult time getting grounded, staying focused and embodied. We take care.

Sidebar: As I write this, I’m peeking outside the café window to see a proud father and his happy daughter roll up on a tandem bicycle. How Gemini is that? Which reminds me – in the United States, we have Father’s Day on June 21, the Summer Solstice, a grand time to acknowledge and honor our inner and outer fathers, whether archetypal, symbolic, or biologic. Happy Father’s Day, everyone!

Yes, indeed, it’s High Gemini Season and it can be a very fun ride. Just remember to take extra good care of your nervous system – relax the brain, nourish the synapses, stretch the spine – and you and your eighteen imaginary playmates will have a gay old time!

Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at erin@erinreese.com.


  1. This is so helpful, Erin! I feel like last Sunday I was in that mode of doing 18 things at once. And then I was beat, so u let myself rest up for a couple days. My energy is back and I'm crafting, organizing, working on spiritual/recovery stuff and having fun.

  2. Thanks, Linda! I'm glad you're finding the balance with all this mercurial energy. Enjoy!
