Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Awakening Group 2020: Non-Dual Immersion - Registration Now Open!

Dear friends,

I’m pleased to announce a spiritual immersion opportunity, The Awakening Group, meeting weekly from August to October, every Thursday at 9am Pacific Time.

This is a weekly satsang - non-dual talks and transmission of wisdom on one’s true nature and the end of suffering. The teachings are pointers to your own liberation, awakening, and embodied realization. This three-month series is offered as a consistent, reliable container to support the natural deepening that may be occurring for you (and many in the world!) in this time. Join us.

Registration is one month at a time. 

The first group meets on August 6th. 

Please see registration details in the attached flyer.


Freedom is here and now.

Awakening is the end of suffering - the end of identification.

This is liberation. Unconditional peace. Never not here.

“Erin holds a sacred container for the Truth where no question, thought or experience is off limits. Through the transmission of non-dual teachings, I'm finally accessing the deeper knowing that doesn't fall away dependent on circumstances or events. When the bottom falls out, these teachings remain. Through satsang with Erin, I have cultivated an incredible capacity to hold the Truth as it is that has allowed for deep peace and freedom, especially during these times.” ~ K.C.

"I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be in satsang with Erin.  Doing so helps me step away from the unfolding national and global dramas.  I leave satsang feeling more at peace, with a calmer nervous system, and a better understanding of myself and others as expressions of pure consciousness." ~ A.M.

Erin Reese, M.S. has been practicing for over thirty years as a modern mystic, author, counselor, teacher and intuitive consultant. While she teaches primarily online, she lives in the remote Sierra mountains where she offers satsang and retreats, runs trails, practices yoga, enjoys life with her Beloved, and spends as much time in Nature and in silence as is possible.

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