Sunday, August 1, 2010

Are You Ready for Saturn in Libra? Let's Review...

On July 21, 2010, Old Man Saturn – the cosmic cop and astrological taskmaster – entered the sign of Libra, where he will put his karmic clean-up committee to task for the next two years (until October 2012, to be exact).

After two-and-a-half long years of learning how to ‘get practical’ during Saturn’s realist stint in Virgo, we’re collectively ready for a new chapter.

Whew. Right?

Following Saturn’s heavy-duty, deep-cleaning of house in efficient, earthy Virgo, we are all feeling the need for a bit of a break from ‘paring down.’ Just how streamlined can our pocketbooks be? How much more penny-pinching, time-tightening, and waist-trimming can one do before we start to feel sociologically anorexic?

The tides are certainly shifting, but before we get into the next bag of Saturn’s tricks – those lesson plans he’s only just begun dishing out in peace-lovin’ Libra, let’s review: what exactly did we learn during his foray in the sign of the Virgin? How prepared are we to pass this grade and move on to the next level? (Saturn’s the teacher planet, you know – he wants to make sure we’ve got it down.)

After the last two years of planetary and political shift, at least internally, it seems we do have a more solid ground to stand on, a stronger core from which to branch out. Here are just a few ways Saturn in Virgo may have passed his trusty scythe through the jungle of our lives:

Many of us were forced to establish a firmer financial footing. Perhaps we sold a home or apartment, and right-sized to a renter or a smaller condo. Maybe we’ve thoroughly de-cluttered closets, or renovated the office, or secured the house foundation. We may have done a real roll-up-the-sleeves ode to our inner Virgo and finally completed those back-taxes. Give yourself an A+.

Some of us actually got our butts up off the couch and stuck to a fitness program. Hurrah! We may have begun cooking more at home, meaning we are more aware of what we are actually putting into our mouths and bodies (Virgo is the ruler of grain and nutrition). With the world economy in recession, most of us had to tighten our belts a bit, and with that, we dined in restaurants less. We may have started a small vegetable garden, or at least began plotting the parcel of land.

Many folks began to get creative on the earning front. Some began bartering more of their services in the community. Since hours at the office may have been cut, and some may have been laid off, we got really clear on what our true priorities are: spending more time with the kids, with our lover, or with the yoga mat. Some of us found we had more time to be in Nature, and rediscovered the best healing money can’t buy.

You get the point. In general, over the last two years, Saturn’s sharpened sickle sliced through our lives with Virgo precision to cut away the crap – uh, I mean, chaff.

Now, we have ourselves a Reality to work with.

Now, we can make real progress. Together.

That’s the tone of Saturn’s shift into Libra.

Now that we’ve all gotten down to brass tacks, and we’ve been forced to take our personal business, bank accounts, and bodies a bit more seriously, Saturn shifts into the relationship-oriented sign of “the other,” the Libra Scales, for the next two years.

And what’s that all about, hmm? "We can work it out." Is it true?


“Come Together: Saturn Tests the Relationship Scales, 2010-2012”

Do we now have the necessary elbow grease - in war and in peace - to work it out now, together? In the words of one of the most famous Libras of all time, John Lennon, “I know you, you know me. One thing I can tell you is you got to be free…” Now, taking care of our selves and our individual needs – the me’s in the we’s – in the context of collaboration.

That’s where it’s about to get really interesting…

How will Saturn in Libra affect you personally over the next two years?

Interested in an in-depth astrological consultation with Erin Reese? She’s available now for readings via Skype, telephone, or email. Contact Erin, your international intuitive consultant, for more information.


  1. Be sure to join the new "Erin Reese, Travel and Soul Writer" Google Group so you can receive updates on posts to your email, ok? You should have received an invitation or you can enter your email in the "Subscribe" box on this page. Thanks! Erin

  2. So insightful & timely info-

    ...And of course, I have to mention how amazed I am at the accuracy of your reading earlier this year---it seems I'm living the vision you "foresaw" at that time. Whoa!

    I love the earthy color of your new site.

    Speaking of being grounded, right?

    Grounded here on the Earth, peeps!

    Love ya, sista!

