Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Come Together: Saturn in Libra


Saturn in Libra now through October 2012 calls for each of us to get our diplomatic hats on. Libra is often misunderstood as purely peaceful, and that is the comfortable, pleasant side of the sign. Yes, it is true that in the highest vibration, the Scales represent harmony and balance. But, those Scales of Justice are also about open enmity – those times we have it out with the other in our words and actions, sometimes with restraint, sometimes with great passion.

Just as Saturn in Virgo kicked our behinds into shape work-wise, financially, and health-wise – on all practical fronts – we 're about to get a global lesson in cooperation and teamwork, beyond the sweet talk that Libra is so fond of. We’re going to have the hard conversations. You know, those discussions we’ve been avoiding but we know are inevitable.

Don’t worry: it will get easier with practice, and we have over two years to get really good at it. We’ve only just begun. A kiss for luck and we’re on our way. (Remember that cheesy song by the Carpenters – an example of romantic Libra to the hilt!)

We’ve learned to eliminate the non-essentials over the past two years of taskmaster Virgo Saturn. We’re primed now – leaner and tougher. While the financial world went to hell in a hand basket, some of us began to realize that it’s the relationships we’ve cultivated that count; oh yeah, those people in our lives – they’re the ones that make the whole thing hum. Duh. We’re in it together. In this next karmic chapter, we gotta share.

The planet Saturn’s rings of containment don’t need to feel like constriction. As soon as we let go of resistance, we will feel much more confident as real collaborators and honest communicators. While those saturnine rings are shining their Libran luster, we are supported to grow in Together Land.

Yes, we’ll all be forced to share and care more during Saturn’s Libran sojourn. But make no mistake: this is NOT about compromise. No siree. In fact, I feel strongly about the word compromise. The word is a death knell if it sounds too often. Anytime someone compromises, there’s a potential resentment being harbored. We give in for a temporary semblance of ‘keeping the peace,’ or ‘people-pleasing’ (another Libran shadow), and all the while, needs aren’t truly met, underlying issues aren’t duly addressed.

No, it’s not about compromise. Rather, the approach to take is that of NEGOTIATION, which may take a bit more fancy footwork, a little creative effort, but it’s worth it. In the art of negotiation, each party must walk away feeling that their needs are met.

It’s not, “Okay, we’ll invest our life savings into this house even though I have a really bad feeling about it (and I’ll be secretly fuming inside the whole time).” Rather, it’s, “Let’s give it some more time so we can discover – together – how we can create security while at the same time we don’t feel trapped.” It’s learning to aptly care for ourselves within the context of relatedness, so we have something to smile about and share later at the dinner table.

If you’re one of the ones reading this saying, “Yeah, but I try that, and it’s not working.” How honest are you being, then, both with yourself and the other? One of Libra’s shadow sides is glazing over, or skewing, the truth to avoid the unpleasantness of confrontation. Libra likes it to look all smiley-like on the surface, preferring to keep the charm levels high. But when we start digging and cutting – as Saturn’s sickle will surely force us to do now – we’ll quickly unearth any cracks lurking in the foundation. The whole diplomatic effort will come a-crashing down until we determine to get it right.


Words will have even more power than usual during this transit. Libra is prone to gossip. Being a socialite is one thing – chitchat happens naturally as a way to ease tension and build connections with people, and that’s one of the beautiful traits of Libra. But if there’s a judgment or resentment brewing underneath, or any hint of malice, we can be sure the words will get back to the party being talked about, until we learn that Truth with a capital T, used with discretion, is of the highest we can aspire to now.

We will all want to look more closely at the written word, too, during Saturn in Libra. Watch for manipulation or tricky business in journalism, ruled by Libra – whether electronic, televised, or printed. Become aware of subtle conditioning and advertising that is not in alignment with your core values. Double-check contracts and agreements with a fine-toothed comb. Before making a commitment – spoken or written or legal or otherwise – ask yourself if you are in the deepest level of self-integrity before you sign or say yes.

Deep healing with the ‘others’ in our lives is possible while Saturn wields his scythe in the sign of the Scales. By ‘others,’ I mean those individuals in relationship to you who act as a real mirror, for better or for worse. This can be a friend, family member, coworker, boss or enemy. Saturn will not allow us to get away with vagueness, side-skirting, misrepresentation, or that old Libran fallback of indecisive waffling, the latter being a trait of Libra’s not wanting to upset any apple carts. That’s too messy, they say. It’s not pretty.

My sense, however, is that there will be a lot of apple carts – and orange carts, and bullock carts, and shopping carts – upset over the next two years. That’s how social evolution happens, and that’s how the interpersonal scales get back into balance.

During Saturn in Libra, we may experience symbolic or actual warfare on the planet or in our personal lives. While I’m hardly advocating bloodshed, I am foretelling more getting down ‘n dirty to get to the root of a problem – let’s try and keep it dignified. That may mean digging in to find out exactly who is responsible for what, and for how much, whether we’re talking oil spills, violation of international law, or simply, whose turn it is to take out the household garbage. We are meant to take responsibility for our part – no more, no less. That’s all the Karmic Cop is asking. Even Lindsay Lohan has to pull her weight for violating parole: “Yes, your honor, I have erred, and even I must do my time.” No one – not even a movie star – is immune to old-fashioned justice while Saturn’s in Libra.

It’s such a relief, actually. If you’ve ever paid off an exorbitant amount of debt, or back taxes, or simply made amends on a wrongdoing toward a friend or loved one, you know how much soul space opens up when we clean up our side of the communal street.

We’ve got a long way to go, but with the gift of astrological awareness, we have a huge start. Those lucky few of us in tune with the stars, for starters, at least know the name of the game we’re being asked to play. To truly come together in maturity, we get to brush up on Saturn’s rulebook, and get on with the two-and-a-half-year tête-à-tête.

And, if things get tough, remember to toss in a spot of Libra’s special blend of charm, cheer, and social grace. After all, Sir Saturn is the ultimate lover of tradition - he's sure to give great marks of distinction to those of us behaving like proper ladies and gentlemen whilst learning the fine arts of togetherness.

Want to know how Saturn’s shift into Libra is likely to affect YOU personally?

Get an astrological consultation with Erin Reese. She’s available for readings via Skype, telephone, or email. Contact Erin, your international intuitive consultant, for more information.

1 comment :

  1. Very interesting on the negotiation front... definitely feeling that is up in my life and a theme of the near future. Also the taking responsibility part. If I'm smart, I could really utilize your new astro blog as a guide to work easily with specific karma during optimal astrological windows! Thanks for the heads up, Erin.
