Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Alchemy of Completion

Temperance (Alchemy) tarot card
If you’re at all like me, you’re a restless, adventurous spirit. This does not always stem from dissatisfaction with the way things are; it comes from being energetic, creative, growth-oriented, and ALIVE. I am motivated and excited by life when I’m learning, changing, and accomplishing new things. When Life is seemingly stagnant, I get nervous, edgy, and fearful that – for shame! – I’m getting stuck. And being stuck is a death knell for adventurous people!

But sometimes, the path to the next adventure is not clear – at all. We have no idea what Life is telling us. Life is holding out on delivering our next big mission, our next vision. We may be asking the right questions, we might be making a bucket list, we might be asking the Divine, our dreams, or our friends for guidance. But nothing comes. We grumble and fret: “Am I dead? Is life over already?”

If we’re feeling stuck or just plain tired of coasting (because that gets boring too) and we’re clearly restless, there might be another solution:


Yes, finish. Bring to completion. You know what it is: that nagging project, relationship matter, ambition that you’ve set aside or buried so far deep in your subconscious, denying that it matters, that you’ve conveniently ‘forgot’ for the time being. Yet, your true self has NOT forgotten: you pledged you’d do it someday. You promised yourself you’d finish. You told yourself you wouldn’t give up until you had done it, made the big change, achieved the aim.

The thing is, goals and dreams and other desires have magnetism of their own. They become real, like people. We may squelch their voices, but they don’t forget us! Dreams come ‘round for our attention, nagging our subconscious until we pay attention. It’s much easier to put the focus on something else: our partner, our kids, a new ‘big idea.’ But that old Thing You Promised You’d Do will not let up.

What do you need to finish in 2013?

Perhaps instead of looking Way Over Yonder to the next vista, we would do well to complete something in the Here and Now. Maybe that thing is too daunting to tackle all at once, today. We can start by creating the Alchemy of Completion within ourselves, symbolically, to get the wheels turning. Start harmonizing yourself with others and your environment with a mind to completing your Golden Task.

First, identify what has been nagging you. 
It’s likely a significant goal, and something uncomfortable to face (otherwise you would have done it already!) but you know it's important in the long run. Is it a career move you need to make? A relationship you need to change? Do you need to publish your book? Display your art? Create a website? Take that trip to Paris you’ve promised yourself for… oh, say, twenty years?

Second, start the alchemy process of completion. 
Show yourself you can finish things on a smaller scale to build confidence. For example:

  • ·         Clean out your garage, closets and drawers. Give stuff to Goodwill.
  • ·         Reorganize those cluttered shelves in the kitchen.
  • ·         Feng shui your living room, bedroom, office space to reinspire you.
  • ·         Update your finances and track your numbers. Get clear on income and expenses and accounts.
  • ·         Write that friend or relative a handwritten letter or card. Go to the post office and mail it.
  • ·         Fix the curtains. Mend your trousers. Call your mother.

In other words, FINISH whatever has been taking up BRAIN SPACE so that you can get moving on what is REALLY important.

And looky here! It’s springtime, and we are given the energy and increasing daylight to gather strength for the road ahead.  Why not consider clearing the decks and making space to finish that thing you started (even if it was in your head) a long time ago? This spring, perhaps it’s time to summon the Alchemy of Completion.

Erin Reese is a writer, astrologer, and intuitive consultant based in the San Francisco Bay Area. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her via email.


  1. Thanks, Erin! Great words of wisdom. Let's see... two books, a comedy show, thank-you notes, and mending my yoga pants.

  2. Wise and insightful advice, Mz Erin. Finishing condenses energy that can power what's next!

  3. Cool, Pamela. I like the way you put that: "finishing condenses energy that can power what's next." ...and thanks Alicia for naming your projects!

  4. great ideas here, Erin. Speaking as a person with a currently progressed 12th House Moon I can vouch for completion as the precursor to The Next Big Thing, and often it won't happen until you do.
