Friday, September 27, 2013

The Perfect Remains

Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Purnameva Vashishyate
Om shanti, shanti, shanti

That is perfect,
This is perfect.
When perfection is taken from the perfect,
Perfect alone remains.
Om, peace, peace, peace

~Isha Upanishad

Today is the Mahasamadhi Day of my beloved teacher and guru, Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009).
Mahasamādhi (the great and final samādhi) is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one's body at the time of death. ...

My teacher and guru left the body in Mumbai, India on September 27, 2009. A triple 9-9-9 day of the Great Master. I am feeling extremely close to my teacher lately, as I am transcribing material for my second book. He is with me in every way. However, the guru is no longer a separate person for me; the guru lives on, in my very heart. He has become me, and I am him. We are That.

Needless to say, the last few years since Ramesh has left the building have been incredibly exciting, personally and transpersonally. The evolution continues! As many spiritual masters have said, “Awakening is just the beginning.” That’s for darn sure. The evolution of consciousness, sans identification with the ego structure, is like Alice walkin’ through Wonderland, every day.

Two years ago, alongside my regular astro-intuitive services, I began offering one-on-one spiritual attunement sessions to those who feel drawn to my teachings. I conduct these via Skype or telephone, or in person if we’re in the same neck of the woods. I invite those individuals to work with me who are sincere spiritual seekers who know they need help at this ‘stage,’ like they’ve hit a ceiling in suffering, or try as they might (and they’ve worked so hard!) they can’t break through the attachment to the maya's (mind’s) incessant rampage.  If you’re one of those folks, you may want to schedule a session with me.

In the last month, I’ve started sitting regularly with a small group of individuals here in the San Francisco Bay Area who are dedicated to enlightenment. If a person is already awake (meaning, the attachment to the ego structure has dissolved and there’s no longer a calcified hook to the separate ‘me’ self), then they are being attuned to stabilize in their awakening.

On this super-powered Mahasamadhi day, in eternal gratitude I bow my head to the feet of my beloved teacher and guru, Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009), as masterful sage and divine embodiment of truth. And to the Goddess, Mother of the Universe, and to Shiva, the Is-ness that is All.

We are the Source, the Self.
We Are That.

Namaste, beloveds!



In the state of self-realization,
all separation between God and the devotee disappears,
and the goal and the path become one.
All separation between the interconnected opposites disappears
and the split-mind is healed into its wholeness and holiness.
Indeed, worshipping and not worshipping,
action and non-action
lose their separateness and opposition
because all that happens
(the doing and the non-doing)
is spontaneous.
It is for this reason that the state of enlightenment
is beyond words and silence
and is described as indescribable,
and the Vedas at the end of an intense effort
confess their helplessness
in the words of Neti, Neti
(not this, not that).

~ Ramesh Balsekar

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