Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Moon Astro-Tarot Forecast ~ December 2, 2013

Yesterday, December 2, we heralded the time of fiery fresh starts with the New Moon in the mutable, visionary sign of Sagittarius. 

Going For It!
Hot-blooded Sagittarius grants us illumination on the Big Picture of our lives. The sign of the Archer leads us to the greatest heights and inspires our soul to fulfill grand dreams, whether they involve international travel, entrepreneurial business, publishing, spiritual enlightenment – you name it. Sag wants you to Go For It, wholeheartedly and confidently.

While the Archer sets its sights on long-distance journeys involving mind and body, Sagittarius’ polar opposite sign of Gemini likes to run around more locally, dispersing information and communicating whatever is passing through at the time. The Archer's use of knowledge is one of well-earned wisdom that takes time to ripen.

The root of Sagittarius, sag, is the Latin for ‘keen perception,’ as in the word sage – wise one. At this time of the New Moon in Sagittarius, we are asked to tap into our sagaciousness – our wisdom, discernment, perception, and farsightedness – to clearly grok the Big Picture of unique lives. This Vision is personal, and usually quite different from person to person – a good reminder to not try to compare your dreams and aspirations to others. They are YOURS. The important thing is to listen to your heart, and take action from there. Sagittarius, like all fire signs, is moved by the heart flame of desire – not the head. Trust your blazing spirit this December.
And, since this is the month of Santa, let’s create a catalyst for our Visions together. Let’s do it now, and send the Wish List to Cosmic Claus! There’s power in numbers. These visions can be big or small. I’ll start us off:

A wish list to Santa Claus:
  • 1.      A reliable, safe, affordable and gas-efficient car
  • 2.      A comfortable home where I can thrive in life and work
  • 3.      A lucrative astro-intuitive and spiritual counseling practice

Try it now:  Start by writing three dreams you know in your heart that you need to have manifest in your life over the next cycle (few weeks, months or years – your choice).  Don't think too much! Share your Cosmic Claus wish list below in the comments section - anonymously if you like - we'd love to hear! 

Now, without further ado, let us look at how this New Moon cycle is affecting you! For best results, as always, be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign.

Erin Reese’s channeled Astro-Tarot messages at this New Moon in Sagittarius, December 2, 2013
After purifying the Universal Waite Tarot deck and calling upon my guides and the Divine, here are my channeled messages.

UNIVERSAL CARD (for everyone):
ACE OF CUPS – Divine Trust
We are being asked to plant the seed of universal love and trust in our hearts for the holidays. Let us join together in a firm commitment of embodying metta, or loving-kindness, in our daily activities this December. It’s a stressful time of year for folks, and it’s often challenging to be kind and patient when there’s such a flurry of chaotic energy about. Often, we snap at each other when we’re under pressure, but this year, with this warm Sagittarius spirit flowing through, we can be the bigger-hearted person. Love is the guide. Share with others, be open, and TRUST the Divine has our back. Every day, at least once, say to yourself, “I trust…”

Revved-up Ram, you can be a bit hot-headed and combative with those you love, especially when you’re under pressure. When anyone or anything, or any tough life circumstance gets in your way, you’re the first sign to say, “There will be butts to kick and names to take.” This is not going to work in December. Rather, it will backfire. Do not pass go and return immediately to the Universal Card (see above) and practice your loving-kindness approach: “I trust…” Simply refuse to interrupt or be argumentative this month. The love you receive in turn will warm your heart no end!

Taurus, you’ve recently hit a jackpot and you’ve achieved something worth tooting your bull horns about! Normally, you’re quite placid and don’t squawk too much about your achievements, but you deserve to shine now. Don’t be shy, let it out and tell the world. Receive your heart-earned accolades and praise. Enjoy it while you can. Likely a gift or reward has rolled in (or will quite soon!) involving other folks’ efforts and contributions, too. Huzzah!
Do not get deluded by fantasies of grandeur right now, Gem. Distractions are lapping at your heels, so stay focused. As Thoreau said, "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." That’s your task now, busy one. Move out of la-la land. You’ve got to be a bit more realistic about your visions now, consolidating all the ideas you’ve concocted over the past seven years. Whether your vision involves your profession, your relationship, business, or family, if you focus on one thing at a time, you’ll get practical results.
Now is the time for you to stoke the fire of your heart with regard to your professional and creative ambitions, Cancer! You’ve got the leadership ability and incentive to move your goals further now, and we look to your loving approach as a model for what we can do, too. We love how you refrain from using an iron fist to achieve your professional goals. Your graceful touch ensures you can have it all – a real work/life balance. You’re glowing, Crab. Burn bright in the career spotlight.
It’s party time, Leo! Have a ball in your community this month, whether that includes family, work pals, or your homies. It’s time to participate in festivities, whether as a guest or as host of a holiday affair. You are clearly a star player. When you get in the mood, you Leos love your parties, and your people need you to show up in a major way now. Share gifts and love with the world and your connections and bonds will be strengthened. You’ll receive praise and reward in return.

You are in fine spirits and feel blessed in a million ways, Virgo. It appears you’ve been doing your good work of cultivating an attitude of gratitude, and it’s paying off. You’re learning to appreciate all that you have. The great news is that now the Universe rewards you with even more of what you want and need in return. Be sure to gift yourself a new treat this holiday season – whatever you want! You’ve worked so hard this year. You really deserve it, whether it’s something for the home, or something to wear that makes you feel cozy and comfortable. Enjoy.

Your creative and entrepreneurial visions abound now, dear Libra. It’s a great time to take your art and beauty out in the world and to a whole new level. Maybe you can attend more art shows, host events or workshops, or develop a painting or photography hobby that could turn into a business later. It’s also possible you will do more travel to stimulate your soul in 2014, so now is a good time to make a Vision Collage Board to dream up where you’d like to go. Your ideas are starting to pour in. Where do you want to take your soul on a journey? The world is your oyster!

The stern taskmaster and teacher planet Saturn is in your sign, Scorpio, so things can be hard for you while you learn all these new lessons. You may be feeling stuck between a rock and hard place of late. The trick is to take it in stride while you face each task and emotional situation from moment to moment. Over-analyzing will get you absolutely nowhere. On the other hand, ACTION – practical, hands-on steps, will take you far. Stop thinking and instead keep moving. 

Now, don’t freak out, dear Archer. The Death card is a powerful, wonderful card of transition and transformation! It’s your time of REBIRTH and new beginnings. In other words, “Go Sag, it’s your birthday!” It’s time to dump all that old junk that weighed you down in 2013. Lighten your emotional load. Renew and prep for a completely new start now – don’t wait for the New Year! This week is the time to begin. Make big plans for big changes and the Universe will support you all the way!

This year's holiday season proves to be a particularly spiritual and soulful time for you, Cap. Bring the light of Spirit into your life with candles, twinkling lights and burning hearths. Fill your soul with choirs of angels and choruses of carolers. Holiday services can be meaningful and inspiring. It’s time for you to reopen your heart and mind to the real spirit of the season, including Solstice. This will help you from getting too heavy and earth-bound during the darker seasons. This year, you will remind the rest of us what the Yuletide is all about. Fire up your heart flame!
Structure your Big Picture vision, Aquarius, and make it real now! Talk is cheap, as you know, and you’re better than most at completing projects you begin. Make it so! You’re implementing dreams right and left. Honor your inner father figure, or actual father, this coming 2014, by laying down strong foundations of stability. The Emperor is on your side. Build it, and support will come. Manifestation is your theme.

Fish, it’s time for you to regenerate and rejuvenate your professional life goals. Don’t put this off. You can establish new benchmarks for your financial freedom project. You are due for a work and career life makeover and Cosmic Claus wants to help you do this now. The Sagittarius New Moon generosity is supporting you to bring new opportunities for earning. Ask yourself where you can spruce up your public image, i.e. your website, business card, or community notoriety. The gods want you to receive a lot of money next year precisely for being who you are!

Did you enjoy the Astro-Tarot forecast? I love sharing this with you. Let me know with a donation to the blog and/or leave your comments below – if many people like them, I’ll repeat regularly!

P.S. Please email me directly for a personal astrology, tarot, or spiritual counseling session. I look forward to working with you.


  1. Erin’s wish list to Santa Claus:

    1. A reliable, safe, affordable and gas-efficient car
    2. A comfortable home where I can thrive in life and work
    3. A lucrative astro-intuitive and spiritual counseling practice


  2. - a nourishing, fun, happy, loving relationship with my partner
    - improved physical health and fitness routine
    - three to six months living expenses in savings


  3. Awesome post, thanks Erin! I'm going to work on my Wish List... perfect time of year to ferment and foment. :-)

  4. Thanks, Erin!! Amazing, as always!

    1. Incredible audiences at 6-month run, followed by a tour and/or TV special
    2. A lucrative workshop-leading & coaching biz
    3. My beloved partner

  5. Thanks for this wonderful post!
    I will make my list today.. sure to be on it:
    -For all of my amazing friends' (like you) wishes to come true!
    LG *
