Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Moon in Taurus: Cultivating Stability

Today we have a New Moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. The sign of the Bull at its best is a grounding, stabilizing influence. Wherever Taurus is in our chart is where we are called to firm up structures.

Build. Cultivate wealth of all types. Feeling deprived? Start to notice where you’re on shaky ground. Where do you need shoring up? We honor the New Moon by taking responsibility for bringing more stability into our life for the next 28-day cycle. We are giving ourselves a platform, a foundation for the next phase of growth.

Taurus is where we pull in our resources from deep in the earth, saving them for a later harvest. We gather strength, power, and hold our center. We don’t always need to spend the money just because it's in the account; we don't always need to disperse the goods or energy prematurely. We can discipline ourselves and harness the potential.

Do you have a ground to lean into when the outside world comes pounding in? Find a center, the still-point within. We all must find it, a place inside ourselves that is solid as a rock, stable and protected. Know what you need that is fixed, consistent and provide it for yourself. Seeing it manifest on an external level can take a while. There’s no rush here; Taurus has time. Buying a home, deciding on a professional track, having children, investing in a business venture, committing to a partner. Gather the facts, sit quietly (stubborn like the Bull), and wait til it’s right. Carefully consider the environment and deliberate. Once you decide to move forward, you can be sure it will be a good move.

Peace of Mind

At this New Moon in Taurus, we can ask ourselves, what gives us serenity, true peace of mind? What helps us feel serene, what helps us have a harmonious relationship with ourselves, our partners, the earth, the world? It is worth it to invest swaths of time and energy toward building that foundation, that inner ground.

The Buddha – born under the sign of Taurus – exhibited this in his “earth touching gesture.” “Let the Earth be my witness,” said Gautama the Buddha, affirming that no distractions – Mara’s dancing daughters of temptation – could seduce him away from steadfast stability. He had mastered unwavering peace of mind.

Red Flags Waving: Mercury Retrograde, Mars opposite Saturn

“By yielding, you may obtain victory.” ~ Ovid

Mars in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius at this New Moon, testing our inner peace. We may experience a confrontation between idea-manic Mars in Gemini charging forth with words and counterpoints, and stodgy Saturn demanding respect for well-earned wisdom and big-picture understanding. This may also be heightened during Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (May 18 to June 11), which can tend to be argumentative.

Mercury Retrograde means double-checking the communication wiring in our speaking, listening, and information distribution, especially since Mercury will be its own ruler sign of buzzy Gemini. What we say and what we write may be called to question. Complications, snafus, challenges are bound to come down the pipeline. We can be sure some will be seeing red. It could be the IRS waving its red pen. A barking dog, a persnickety roommate, a gnarly neighbor, a grumpy partner. But if we have cultivated our stability, our inner and outer security, we will be thrown off-kilter and caught off-guard much less.

Once provoked, the energy of Taurus can be unstoppable, a veritable Raging Bull. It can take an incredible amount of self-awareness to restrain oneself when taunted. “Toro! Toro!” shouts life, egging us on to charge and fight. Forewarned is forearmed. Remember our “peace of mind” commitment, and back down when the opponent attacks. Sometimes, it is simply best to yield. Or at least wait until the dust settles.

With our astrological wisdom, we can sidestep the impulsive behavior of others and ourselves. We can temper our reaction. With forbearance and longevity in mind, we can build a strong future for ourselves. Keep calm and rest on that ever-reliable inner ground.

Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at


  1. Thanks!! I needed that. I will keep building on my practice of meditation. I'm grateful for the chance to prepare for another Mercury in retrograde!

  2. Outstanding information from an Outstanding Goddess...Once Again!! Thank you!

    1. Yay, Gwendolyn! So glad these posts are helpful! Love, Erin

  3. Linda, you are so welcome. I also love knowing when Mercury is going retrograde. Great for planning!
