Monday, January 21, 2019

Eclipsed: Out of the Blue!

Happy full moon, everyone!

This has been a wild supermoon eclipse, filled with ups and downs and all-arounds. I’ve learned over the years of tracking eclipse energy that it’s best to ride the waves, to expect the unexpected, and to enjoy this tumultuous time - just as I would an Oscar-worthy adventure film.

While it can seem a rocky road during eclipse season, it can also herald in wonderful new opportunities and groundbreaking flashes of insight. Uranus, planet of unpredictability and surprise awakenings, squares this Full Moon, adding more jolt and genius to the mix. Yesterday, my partner and I enjoyed an impromptu brainstorming session over breakfast in which we came up with some wild, instant solutions to complex life quandaries – et voila! – just like that! We just had to keep our brains loose, and think bigger. Completely out of the box.

This is the energy in the air. Totally unforeseen answers and miracles and insights and opening doors and opportunities – oh my! Don’t be scared of the total unpredictability and quick changes. The cosmos is making it possible for you to step into your next, exciting life chapter. I’ve always seen eclipses as “the hand of God.” Imagine your life and all of the players and parts as a giant chessboard. The hand of the Divine comes along out of nowhere, and like a quick move, picks up a Knight, Bishop, Queen and… suddenly, you’re on the other side of the board, gobsmacked, wondering how you got all the way over there in a split second! But happier for it!

Beneficent Venus and Jupiter are dancing closely, conjunct at this full moon in horsing-around Sagittarius. These two grandiose planets innately love each other – Aphrodite and Zeus – and they can cook up some mighty exciting, ginormous and inflated plans. But fear not! These concoctions can actually work! They’re super-powered!

Trust in Big Ideas, that come out of seeming Nowhere, right now. Take a deep breath and – whoosh! – you’re squealing with glee like a kid on a bobsled landing in a heap of fresh powder. What are you waiting for?
Taj Hotel, Mumbai, India
Need an intuitive consultation or spiritual counseling session to help you make sense of these times? Contact me here. I look forward to reading for you!
Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at

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