Monday, February 4, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius: Rules? There Are No Rules.

I'm thrilled that Destiny decided I would come in as an Aquarius – a fixed water sign, a wild-child Water Bearer who absolutely cannot be confined to societal rules, expectations, obligations. What’s it like to be an Aquarius? Well, for one thing, if you are an Aquarius, or have many planets in Aquarius, or a heavy influence of Uranus, know this: you will DIE if you try to fit in.

Literally. Your soul will die. Maybe slowly, but it will whine, weep, and mourn to try to get your attention. It will make odd noises in the middle of the night or in the middle of a conservative business meeting or gathering of well-behaved individuals. Out of nowhere – OOPS! – you’ll mutter out some comment that makes everyone go hmmmm… and turn the conversation on its ear. Even the Aquarius himself will be sitting there, a bit stunned, going – ugh, pop-went-Uranus once again. Can’t keep status quo… for long!

One confusing bit about Aquarius energy, among many paradoxical parts, is that Aquarius’ original ruler was stable Saturn – the rule follower – until the discovery of Uranus in the 18th century. So, Aquarius ambles along under the radar as long as she can, trying to fit in, acting as a visionary in the realm of tradition and structure. That is, until the explosive, revolutionary antics of Uranus rise up and take her by the hair and thrust everyone and everything around her straight into the future.
“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”
~Christopher Lloyd as Doc, Back to the Future

In Aquarius Land, we are meant to pay respects to and honor tradition, so that we can first understand the past, the foundation, where we came from. In this way, we can deeply grok what must happen NEXT in our personal and shared evolution. Aquarius is a pioneer, way out on the horizon, seeing things and FEELING things that are coming down the pike, before anyone else. This is a difficult role to have if you are a sensitive. It can be especially hard on the body, in my experience. I am like a tuning fork. I resonate in outer space, the future, to what is Coming Soon to a Planet Near You. This is often beyond odd. It’s like giving birth to a new species, and then learning its alien language Γ  la Amy Adams in the movie Arrival, and then bridging the gap, translating to the masses.

All of us have revolutionary “age of Aquarius” tendencies in our beings, in our souls. Where are you ignoring your inner rebel? Where are you forgetting to heed the call of your spirit? You will know you aren’t listening if you start feeling soul sickness. You will feel sad, sluggish, depressed for no obvious reason. Your dreams may start feeling muddied. They may be repeating themselves, especially stressful dreams, over a period of days or weeks.

Start paying attention to the synchronicities. Notice odd cancellations, changes in plans or scheduling. Notice when electronics, internet servers or bank accounts make odd leaps and shifts, forcing you to look at your world in a new way. Notice if you start getting strange rashes, ailments, somatic reactions. Notice if individuals suddenly up and leave your life out of nowhere. Uranian acts.

If your world is getting weirder, you may be pulled into the realm of Aquarius. This is the time to get your ear to the ground. Listen harder, drum with more fervor. Talk to a friend who doesn’t just think outside the box, they live outside the box. The family member, advisor, or therapist who is still playing inside the old rules WILL NOT DO at a time like this. You need to speak to someone who can get out there – way out there – and trust that the terrain you’re playing in IS real, your path forward IS possible, those bizarre trance beats you’re hearing in your head ARE giving you a message of the future.

At this time of the New Moon in Aquarius, remember that we are not meant to be stagnant. We are meant to DO OUR OWN THING, and that is the path forward, the path to health and happiness. Seize this moment to feel validated for being DIFFERENT, UNIQUE, ARTISTIC, PROGRESSIVE, WAY OUT... AND PROUD OF IT.

In peace, love and psychedelica,

Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at


  1. Replies
    1. Amazing grace, as always! I do love the back to the future photo as well. Good one Aquarian sister!

    2. Much appreciation, Sashi! I dug Back to the Future as a kid... time travel! Love to you!
