Monday, November 25, 2019

New Moon in Sagittarius: Whatever Spirit Wants

Image: Daniel B. Holeman

Tomorrow, we welcome a New Moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, the Centaur-Archer. Imbued with the glow of our beautiful and lucky Jupiter-Venus conjunction, hopefully we are feeling a little more chillaxed about the upcoming holiday. Whether you are planning a gala family gathering or escaping into a hermitage to hide out from the whole thing, make the priority what feels good to YOU.

Focusing on self-satisfaction is not selfishness in a derogatory fashion. As we are all coming to learn in the esoteric realms: when we truly practice Self-care, it guarantees the best outcome for all concerned. Old paradigm constructs force us to be self-sacrificing to the point of self-harm. Are we doing for others because of an image? Running on the tapes of, what will my family (mother, partner, kids, friend) think of me if I opt out and do X instead of what has been traditionally expected of me?

Check to be sure you’re not practicing one of the four M’s of misery over the holiday; if you are, catch yourself, and get back to more self-care!

The 4 M’s of Misery:
1.       MOTHERING
2.       MARTYRING
3.       MANAGING

Sagittarius energy is spirit taking flight – not in a spacy, ungrounded or nebulous fashion, but in a way that is still connected to others, to the world. Sag is embodied consciousness, soaring high after working through the mucky-muck and paying our dues of transformation. All the pain and frustration you’ve endured (aka CHANGE) is about to pay off. Try to get your optimistic groove on! You may need to stoke the fires of faith. Not that things are going to turn out exactly as you’ve wished for, not that it will be a storybook ending – but let it into your heart that it can be pretty damned GREAT!

For survivors of severe hardship or developmental trauma, whether emotional, mental, financial, or physical, it can be ultra-difficult to trust that:

-          Things can turn out great
-          We can be supported by Life
-          People can give us assistance
-          Life can be less of a struggle

Survivors’ nervous systems received hard-wiring to expect disaster or disappointment. So, we never fully relax, never let down our guard. Or worse, we sabotage the goodness that wants to flow into our lives. We unconsciously built in trap doors, or expectations that can never be met, to reify our world view. This corroborates a survival brain pattern that we are under siege and can never, ever let our guard down.

If this is you, take solace in the fact that healing is possible. Start small: see how you have always been taken care of – even when it’s been beyond painful. You got through it, right? You’re here reading this! Trust that it’s possible to receive that which is good.

At this time of the New Moon in Sagittarius, the Truth burns bright. I invite you to feel the support and love that wants to flow into your heart. Indulge in people, places and situations that light you up. Try to focus on your JOY.

Right now, whatever Spirit wants, Spirit gets.
As for the rest of it? Who cares!

 Wishing you a peaceful and satisfying holiday.

Remember: put your self-care first. 
Ask for help when you need it.
Practice saying no; it gets easier!
Make sure to get outside, get plenty of walks, stretch.
Spend time with animals.
Listen to good music.
Get lots of hugs and healthy physical touch.
Run, don't walk, away from energy drains.
Hydrate, sleep more, dream more.
Trust your Intuition.
Stay close to those you Love and treat you well!

I am incredibly grateful for each of You who have trusted me over the years as your intuitive consultant and spiritual counselor. Thank You!

I celebrate and recognize your indefatigable spirit, your guiding inner wisdom and your courageous heart.

In gratitude always,


Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at


  1. Love your encouraging words - it's as if they were written for me. Thank you Erin. I needed that.

  2. This is wonderful and buoyant. Thank you wonderful Sapna xx

  3. Thank you Nirmala... peace and joy to your beautiful heart!
