Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Moon Eclipse: Grounding Cosmic Energies

Christmas Day, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, sign of the Sea Goat. This image is a wondrous animal to behold. Usually, when we think of Capricorn, we think of a serious, driven creature, committed to climbing mountains and securing authority in the world at large. However, what does it mean when we consider the oceanic depths available in the “sea” aspect?

If one has done the earthly, embodied ‘work,’ whether with family, with career, or most importantly, the inner work, one has the reward available to swim freely in spaciousness. 

Eclipses take something away; eclipses bring change that is outside of our control. This is different than a self-will egoic decision to “pivot.” The Universe pivots, and we are not separate.

Moving into 2020, the ground is shifting. We are moving into a collective new paradigm. Some of us are already stabilized there – moving between the crack between worlds, the veil. The old reality is still happening around us, but we are not affected at the core. We are in flow. We are in not just an altered state; we know ourselves to be That which is beyond states. The I Am.

This is important! It does not mean that we abandon planet earth, politics, or people. Rather, it means that doing the inner work of knowing who we truly Are, we are able to toggle back and forth between rest and engagement without reactivity or identification with the cause or the outcome. In this way, we can actually be a bigger help to humanity, to the natural world and ecosystems, and to Consciousness as a whole.

If you find that you’re getting all caught up in the drama, remember, you are playing a role in the entire Lila, or cosmic play. Remember that, yes, while you’re here performing a certain job, having a seeming impact on those around you and on the evolutionary process, you are inextricable from the Whole. 

There is no reason to cling to your role, and there is no reason to not do this role, either. Remember your Shakespeare! All the world’s a stage, and we are merely players. The Bard was spot on.

Spend some time during this eclipse deepening into your inner self. Use the body, use your reactivity, see through the issues. The stories that you are so identified with are only relatively true – one tiny perception of the whole – so why cling to them with such fervor? The stories of your past or your present are always subject to change, according to how we view them from moment to moment.

At this time of the New Moon Eclipse, remember that while you can only be that which you cannot not be (read that about 108 times to internalize that one!), you also could never not play the role that Consciousness has you in. 

This is the blessing of the Sea Goat this Christmas – a worldly animal, grounded on Mother Earth, doing its thing as it must do – and resting in the Eternal Ocean of Consciousness, of Spaciousness, understanding it is inextricable from All that Is.

In Oneness,
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