Friday, June 5, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: Healing Separation and Division

Prayer I, Angu Walters
Prayer I, Angu Walters (Cameroon)

Today, we have a full moon lunar eclipse in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, most ardent seeker of truth, the big picture philosopher, thrusting for wisdom.

Where, we ask, is the wisdom in our world these days? The people are in great pain. Our nation is pain, our world is in pain, our Black brothers and sisters are in pain, our collective hearts are breaking. How to respond wisely, skillfully?

Each of us will make choices based on what we feel is good and true and congruent in our hearts. Sometimes, within the same family, individuals will react differently to world events, protesting or pandemics. Partners may be on on different, yet allied, pages. Your girlfriend may be more politically involved and engaged than you. Your husband may be wired to read the news and dialogue constantly. Your best friend may be sick with rage while your neighbor seems to have left for another planet, opting out of everything all at once.

As for myself, I am a bit of a modern monk, with a hint of anchorite. I want to say a few words to those readers who also work from a more internal, contemplative realm...

We cultivate serenity in the midst of suffering. Some of us act as go-to allies, as healers or empaths. Our job is to keep cleaning up the internal shadow, and through that, we aid the collective to face its own shadow. Our task is to remain fiercely aware of calcified beliefs and duality, aware of all forms of entrapment, within and without.

Becoming attached to any point of view perpetuates divisiveness and strife. Our job is to keep cleaning up on the internal level, plumbing the depths. Resisting nothing: all places of horror and pain, disgust and rejection that we carry within ourselves. Our job is to face everything. The ego, the superego, cultural expectations, separations and division within the self. Everything.
"To be free means to open your heart and your being to the fullness of who you are, because only when you are resting in the place of unity can you truly honor and appreciate others and the incredible diversity of the universe." ~ Ram Dass

Trust the unfolding. If your guidance is to be an activist right now, do it. If you are outraged, use your voice. If you need to take a break so you can keep on keeping on, take a time out. You will be no good to anyone if you are strung out. Come back to center. Stay grounded. Remember your infallible connection to Source. This will nourish you in every way.

This is not a spiritual bypass. I repeat: this is not a spiritual bypass. This is because, until one is ready and actually doing the “work” to FACE EVERYTHING – everything arising in the world, the Self, Existence – every horror and racial injustice, evil, shadow, within and without. Nothing must be excluded.

This work is not for sissies. We are talking about freedom, in the here and now. One must be willing to allow the passing away of beliefs, concepts, ideas of right and wrong. Attachments to image, appearances, the ego. It’s a fire sale: everything must go.

Use your sword of discernment, activating the principle of viveka - the ability to discern the true from the false. When you come up against a calcified bit of consciousness, a belief that is ultimately entrapment in disguise, use your sword – yes, use it skillfully, but use it you must. Cut away that which is not true. It is from this place that we do our very best work, within and without.

1 comment :

  1. This resonates for me! Thank you Erin being an example of doing that inner clearing that allows you to carry this message.
