This Sunday, August 8, we have a New Moon in the fixed fire
sign of Leo the Lion. This quality of time is a portal to higher consciousness
known as the Lion’s Gate. This portal occurs every year on August 8th;
it’s super-charged this year due to the fact that it falls exactly on a New
Moon. Seeds planted in your life, your heart, your relationships, and your community
are extra-potent, and will bear fruit over the next six months to a year, so
pay attention.
The energy of Leo has a charge in this life: stand up, stand
tall – be courageous. Sometimes, Leo has to roar loudly and fiercely; most of
the time, the Lion is content to proudly traverse his Serengeti and take care
of his personal pride-community, and the lioness hunts and kills only that which
is needed.
Wherever Leo is in our chart we will see where this new powerful
fire can come in and ignite our lives. Leo rules the physical heart as well as the
back. Pay attention to this part of the body in these days. Breathwork can help
the heart center and back body to open up and receive more love and light. Alongside
stretching and strengthening practices, it can help keep you healthy.
With so much fear and polarization spreading across the
globe it can be hard or downright scary to speak up and out for our personal
truth, for what is good and right and true for us as individuals. This is sovereignty
– focusing on what we personally need and being willing to stand tall for it,
alongside others, with love and respect.
Personal courage is needed these days. With Saturn in
rebellious Aquarius opposing this New Moon, we are going to be challenged to
hold strong in the face of opposition. Fear may arise, but that’s OK. Leo has
courage, remember? Every single one of us has lionheartedness in our astrological
charts somewhere.
Remember, courage is fear that has said its prayers. Fear
and faith stand side by side. You may be quivering in your body-mind, but your
feet will carry you forward and your voice will speak up even if it’s shaking.
Strength - VIII - Major Arcana of the Tarot
Trusting Your Heart: Discernment and Disinformation
In the media and social circles lately, there is much
discussion of disinformation. Many alternative health practitioners and doctors
are being censored, cancelled for recommending treatments and methods of
staying healthy during the current pandemic. Individuals opting for natural
immunity methods are being pressured and criticized for their choices. Information
regarding access to affordable treatments or medications that may be helpful is
disallowed on mainstream platforms. Why?
People are feeling confused, or even numb. Who can I trust?
When is a fact a fact? What is going to keep me stay healthy or recover if I
get ill? Can I trust my doctor or HMO? Can I trust the government? Why are
videos and articles being taken down off of YouTube, Twitter, Facebook on the
These are great questions. But the ultimate question here
is, Can I trust myself?
Can you trust your gut? How practiced are you in listening
to your own body, your intuition, your dreamtime guidance? Are you aware of
your hunches when things ring true? How about when they feel “off” or “Not for
me, thanks,” or even “I need more information” or “I need to wait for now”?
Have you learned how to listen to your inner voice and trust it, 100%? This is
what many of us have been working toward for decades. And it’s a great time to
start practicing now if you’re new to other ways of knowing, aka “direct
Think of how many times science and facts change over one’s
lifetime. Eggs are bad for you. Fats are bad for you. Oh, wait, eggs and
fat are good now? Asbestos is a great solution for insulation. Lead paint is
the best for houses. Oh, wait, that’s now a hard no? I see, I see…
everything changes. Facts are fluid. Information can be presented in a zillion
ways. Reality is simply the agreed-upon collective narrative that we are aware
of in any given moment. No one ever has the entire picture.
And yet, there is one way to know… And that is, trust
the heart. Trust the gut. Trust your intuition. Learn to listen. Have courage. What
is good and true and right for you cannot be falsified. It cannot be taken
away. Stay present – one must be present to win the prize of direct
Keep your consciousness connected to the Divine, in Present
Time. Because you are not separate from All That Is, whenever you act upon that
which is good and true for you, your action’s outcome is going to
be good and true for the other when it arises from a conscious and aware space.
How could it not be?
There is no need to worry that you will make a mistake. From
the perspective of the Infinite, there is no such thing. Rest your consciousness
in the Self, as the Self, and know it is all unfolding perfectly.
And at this time of the Lion’s Gate, the portal of Truth and
Courage and Strength, feel the natural resonance and strength and love and joy
that comes from sovereign confidence. Your positive energy is a force of nature
that will carry you, your loved ones, and your global community forth.
Stand tall. With love.

Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary
non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over
thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive
readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and
mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business
coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied
liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.
A spiritual memoir, an off-the-beaten path India travel tale, and a bittersweet love story all rolled into one wild ride.
The author in Varanasi, India on the ghats of the Ganges
combined off-the-beaten path India travel adventure, bittersweet
romance, and deeply personal spiritual memoir, this book shares the
profound, inexpressible grace of encountering one's spiritual teacher,
or guru, and is an homage to the absolute faith and fearlessness required to be released from the shackles of suffering.
Truth Seeker: A Spiritual Adventure of Love, Loss, and Liberation is the long-awaited follow-up to the spiritual travel memoir, The Adventures of Bindi Girl: Diving Deep Into the Heart of India (2012).

Praise for Erin Reese's new book
“With razor-sharp wit and breathtaking pace, Truth Seeker
immerses readers in the India few travelers see—the authentic India in
all its beauty and abomination. Equal parts love story, spiritual quest,
and travelogue, Truth Seeker, ultimately, is an homage to India
itself and the extraordinary teacher Erin Reese found—and lost—there.
This book is exactly what many of us need right now—spiritual
sustenance, a glimpse of the majestic potential of humans, and a good,
hard laugh.” —Lynn Braz, author of Flying Free: Life Lessons Learned on the Flying Trapeze