Saturday, February 27, 2021

Full Moon in Virgo: Focus, Stop, Stabilize

The Melting Watch, Salvador Dali 1954

Today, we welcome a full moon in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, the Virgin. The energy of Virgo is earthy, but it isn’t solid earth; we are still in the time of Pisces, the nondual sign where life feels dreamy and dissolves when you try to hold on. Time has felt like taffy – it’s stretchy, and messy to the touch, even muddy.

This lunation continues to amplify 2021's Saturn-Uranus square that I wrote about last week here, "The Collective Crunch.” Over and over, we are being asked - nay, forced - to leave outdated programs and concepts by the wayside as a natural if challenging process of evolution. If we forget, and attempt to grasp, we are usually hit by a cosmic 2x4 that is meant to get us back on track – so best to surrender to what is, and ground best you can.

Sensitives and empaths are 100% clear: The collective walls have been melting for a long time. We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto. We are coming up on one year since most of us heard the words “coronavirus” and COVID, one year since pandemic and lockdown became household words, one year since the world came to a virtual stop. Anniversaries bring up deeper body memories for people. Our nervous systems remember, and the prickles can come in – “Are we in the clear? Are we getting back to normal? If 2020 went down like it did, what else could come down the pipeline?”

There is a feeling of skittishness and unsettledness in the collective air. Half of the world is anxious to get a move on, trying to get back to a busy lifestyle where activity, travel, busy-ness is the norm; half of the world is just entering into the cocoon that will hold them for the next years as they continue their internal evolution. It is like two sliding glass panel doors. We can call this old vs. new paradigm, or third dimension vs. 5D or ascension – it doesn’t matter. In fact, many of us are finding that words and terminologies are starting to melt too, but we do the best we can to try to find language to point things out.

There can be a feeling of seasickness, fogginess, confusion, or vertigo for those who are highly sensitive to the planetary shifts. Even for those of us who usually do a good job getting grounded through domesticity, nature, lovemaking, yoga, exercise, creative expression, etc. it has been a hell of a time to attempt to stop the time-space swirl. You might notice that appointments with others are cattywampus – scheduling has become a joke. You might notice that facing your to-do list is laughable. Either there is no energy to “do” that which is on the list, or the list itself feels like a rope strangling your neck.

Speaking of to-do lists – a very Virgoan invention: In my work with clients and students across the board the TO-D0 LIST is one of THE most stressful entities in a person’s life. I have found that if folks get rid of the ominous to-do list and learn to rely more on intuition in the moment, the stress level decreases tremendously. Of course, jotting down a few critical items for the day or week, or marking something vital on the calendar, makes sense; it’s the massive list of “getting sh*t done” or “to research” or “be productive” or “optimizing your life” that will strangle the life out of your life faster than anything. So throw the to-do list in the trash and trust your natural instincts to guide you from day to day.

As a human species, we have been like drunks on a bender, except instead of alcohol, we’ve binged on activity, productivity, efficiency,  improvement. Not only have we made ourselves quite ill, we’re in a raging addiction. It might take a few minutes, let alone days or years, to come down off the drug. Stop.

Instead of doing more to attempt to ground, emphasize focus and stabilizing Consciousness. This is all available 24x7 by simply sitting, lying down, or standing in place, then breathing, focusing on your feet, hips, breath, root. The main word is STOP. The monkey mind will rear up swiftly, so keep coming back to relax into beingness rather than doingness.

 This is not about doing more meditation, either. It’s about a full-on inner halt.

Then, and only then, will the room stop spinning.

Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Embodied Liberation Retreat 🌺 April 16-18, 2021

Hello Everyone!
My next 3-day online retreat is confirmed and ready for registration!

I hope you'll join us for these satsang gatherings - an opportunity to deepen in the teachings of unshakeable peace and freedom. Stabilize in the Eternal Now through understanding and Divine Feminine transmission.

Registration details and flyer are here:

Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Saturn-Uranus Square and the Collective Crunch


From French sculptor Etienne Meneau's Elastic House

This week, we are experiencing a transpersonal, global transit that is affecting everyone, consciously or otherwise. I am noticing it in almost every client I talk to, and as an empath, in my own body. Saturn in Aquarius is squaring (90-degrees) Uranus in Taurus. The aspect was exact on Wednesday, February 17 and is still in full effect.

There will be two more passes of this aspect this year due to retrogrades: June 14 and December 23. Essentially, all of 2021 we will feel this influence. The first pass was particularly strong this week due to the large amounts of planets in fixed signs resisting change. Liken it to having a strong dose of what's being asked this year, and a huge preview of what needs adjusting in your personal sphere this year.

There can be a feeling of whiplash as these two big boy planets are having a loud and rather bitter argument. Uranian disruptive events, personalities, circumstances will challenge your sense of order, of what makes sense, of what you belief to be reasonable and disciplined (Saturn). Physical tensions could arise as there is an attempt to hold on to the old order.

Stability is all well and good but here we have the influence of evolution – Uranus the awakener – asking you to be not only flexible, but even radical in your willingness to change, if need be. Where do you need to break free?

Any rigid beliefs or constructs are being thrown up in your face. If your beliefs or desires feel blocked or thwarted from the outside, ask yourself what you are holding on to, and is it worth it? How flexible are you with time, lifestyle, energy, money, goals, focus? Are you being willful when Life is clearly asking you to adjust?

The more unconscious the need for change is, the more physical and mental stress you will feel at this time. It is a good idea to talk with someone or write about it openly and honestly, to face yourself and ask yourself the hard questions. You can trust that the release of these old beliefs, goals, ideas and structures will make room for massive amounts of creative, free-flowing energy and life force.

Take good care of your animal body and tenderheartedness during this time. With such huge collective pushes occurring from 2020-2024 (involving Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn), we will do best to stay in wonder and flexibility with all that wants to unfold in, around, and through us. Try not to hold on so tight. Trust the process. All will be well.

Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.

P.S. If you missed the February Aquarius Transmission - Meditation and Messages - you can download the audio from my website here.

Topics include:
individuation in order to evolve
money as energy and ease
the embodiment imperative
the future is here and now



Sunday, February 7, 2021

Aquarius New Moon Meditation and Messages with Erin Reese

Dear Friends,

This Thursday, February 11, we will experience a profound New Moon in the sign of liberation, groups, "the future," and awakening of consciousness, the fixed air sign of Aquarius. This special lunation has no less than seven heavenly bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the asteroid Pallas Athena) converging together at once in my own birth sign of the Water Bearer, offering an abundance of new information and creative insights into our evolution, personally and collectively.

I've been guided to host another group meditation to help with integrating these energies and support this transformation. The free call will last one hour. RSVP required.

New Moon in Aquarius:

Meditation and Messages

with Erin Reese

Thursday @ 11am Pacific on Zoom


The exact time of the conjunction is 11:05am Pacific Time.

As always, we will see what opens up on the call itself. Surely, we will take some time for grounding and centering, before dropping into silence together. I will be tuning into my guides and the collective, and will share some of the information and pointers received for the group. Also, you may ask questions and receive guidance during the call.

Please RSVP directly to me (simply reply to this email) for the special Zoom link!

Remember to RSVP for the Zoom link. Yes, you can share this email with friends!
See you there.
With Love,
Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.