Today is the full moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini,
the Twins. Mercurial Gemini is the sign of duality,‘the other,’ and the power
of a versatile, flexible, curious mind. Unfettered, hopped-up Gemini energy is so buzzy that it can feel
incredibly ungrounded, disorienting when left to its own devices. This mentalizing lunation arises in the
atmosphere like an agitated nervous system. It is hard to focus, it is hard to
decide, it is hard to complete tasks. An untrained Gemini mind is a mischievous monkey
“The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” ~ C.G.
The beauty of a voluminous Gemini moon is that we are incredibly stimulated and have a lot of mental energy. But what to do, what's a priority? It can feel like scrambled airwaves, a bunch of static. How do we handle this when the
holiday season is just starting its ramp-up? We have places to go, people to
see, and things to do. Some of us are finishing up end-of-year projects, school
semesters, business deals. Because it is a full moon, we are hyper-aware of what has to be finished up, cleaned up, and cooked
up for the next two weeks. It can feel like, “Oh me! Oh my! I’m so
disorganized!” Where do we start?
Saturnine Sobriety vs. Neptunian Drifting
Part of the problem might be the current influence of the Saturn-Neptune
square, exact at this Full Moon. Saturn wants us to stick to a structure, make a
plan, build for the future, and be practical. Neptune, on the other hand,
tempts us to check out, pop open the Prosecco, watch another movie, and wistfully dream of what could be. How in Heaven’s name do we reconcile these two
major influences? The aspect is a 90-degree square, so it is filled with
maximum power, albeit hidden in challenge. We only have to find the exact right
key to unlock the potential.
Ideally, we look to our birth charts to see which houses
contain the two transiting planets. Therein lie clues to your personal solution. For instance, perhaps
Saturn is transiting your Sixth House of health and discipline,
while Neptune squares from the Tenth House of career. Well, you
might need to reel in your eating and exercise habits (or splurges, as it
were), in order to benefit from a period of high creativity in your profession.
Just one example of how one planet's discipline can open up another planet's potential. (Contact Erin for a personal consultation to look at your influences
more deeply.)
This Saturn-Neptune square influence will continue through
September 2016, so now’s a good time to take this structure-v.-dissolving
lesson to heart. Here are the exact dates: November 26, 2015; June 17, 2016;
and September 10, 2016.
We must keep in mind the Ultimate Oneness of Neptune, the
nothingness and everythingness of non-duality, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME,
acknowledging that Life Happens in Duality, the Saturnine realm of this and
that, yin-and-yang, self and other, you and me reality. Just like Gemini,
consistently seeing both sides of the equation, it is both being and
becoming, everything and nothing, form and formless. Such is the challenge, the awakening, and the
potential hidden in the Saturn Neptune square. May you find the key to unlock its power NOW.