From now until the Winter Solstice on December 21, we are keeping warm by the spiritual energy of the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. As we near the darkest night of the year, we benefit greatly by drawing the essence of fire, of spirit into our lives. Sagittarius is a visionary sign, reminding us to open and expand our minds and hearts, increasing our capacity for Life. At this time, we need Big Picture thinking and soulful wisdom to keep things in perspective.
“This too shall pass”
Sagittarius helps us to find spiritual fortitude, a strength
to keep going even when we feel challenged. We would do well to have compassion
for those individuals that aren’t feeling great at this time. Some folks feel a
bleakness at this dark time of the year, whether affected by less daylight or
difficult times in general. Perhaps that person lost someone dear this year, or
they are in the midst of a separation or divorce. Maybe the kids are gone, or
maybe the holiday season simply brings up sadness. It is helpful to remember
that not everyone is feeling that it’s “the most wonderful time of the year,”
even if the songs on the radio would like us to feel that way in order to spend
more money at the shopping malls.
Shine a Little Light

It’s important to remember, too, that some people cannot
handle intensity and so try to fix it when we bring up our sadness, pain, or
grief. Remember that offering solutions is a dicey business when someone is in
a hard place. Rather than offering advice, we can gently ask the person if we
can help in any way. Perhaps they just want to be heard, and don’t need our
latest 'n greatest remedy. A few super sentences that always seem to help are: “I know you’re going to get through
this. I love you and I believe in you. You
are doing a great job.”
This is the wisdom of Sagittarius – to believe in our selves
and each other, no matter how dark the times may be. This season, keep a candle lit in your heart or on your
mantle. Someone may need that light, and it may, in fact, be you.