This week, we are under the influences of a New Moon in
Gemini. As we head into mutable Twin season, we will notice that our synapses begin
to fire in new ways. Our consciousness is tickled, our ears are pricked. We may
feel more agitated or irritated than usual as the winds of change are kicked up.
We may not yet know in which direction these breezes are blowing, but we feel
the stir, most definitely.
Gemini, the buzziest of the air signs, is often associated with
speed, diversity, communication, nervousness, and hatred of boredom. Gemini despises
same-old, same-old. There are multiple voices inside us to contend with, after
all. It takes a village, and that village lives inside of each of us. We’ve got
to have a community council, internally, and have that “come to Jesus” talk
with the various parts of self.
Where do you begin, when you know not yet where you’re
headed? In Gemini season, the best way is to start with your writing, with your hands - the part of the body ruled by the Twins. That might
be journaling, freewriting – brainstorming, writing down the gunk and the muck,
not trying to make sense of anything. If you find yourself leaning too heavily
into logic, planning and details for executing those plans, you could stress
yourself out too quickly. Get back into play.
Gemini represents the developmental stage of learning
through words and concepts. Picture a baby babbling. Did you know that babbling
is a critical part of language development? This is where children learn to
talk through imitating sounds and mouth formations, eventually leading to
speech. So, babble on, literally and figuratively! This seemingly nonsensical
stage is important!
Changing Tack
Gemini is the sign of Duality. This or that, he and she, small
or big, wise and foolish. Remember, this is a season in which it is necessary
to hold two seemingly contradictory points of view in mind at the same time. It
may not yet be possible to focus on one path, one outcome, one solution.
The good news is that the mutable Twins’ energies make it possible to do this.
You have the mental bandwidth and flexibility to live in several different
realities at the same time! You have the ability to envision, and virtually
live in, a desired future, while closing out the old chapter in the background.
This makes life a lot more interesting and stimulating. Remember, Gemini hates
being bored.
If you are feeling lackadaisical, melancholic, or stuck,
check to be sure that you haven’t attached yourself to one train of thought.
Take a break and focus on the other area of interest. Go make some art –
draw a picture, make a collage, visit a dance class. Move the body – and thereby
the brain – in another direction. A change in perspective means everything.
A wise mentor once taught me, the quality of our lives is
determined by the quality of the questions we ask ourselves. Here are a few to
pique your interest:
- If I had all the money in the world, if money
were not an issue at all:
- What would I do if I were not afraid?
Finally, during Gemini season, remember that agitation and
irritation are NOT horrific enemies. It is a season in which dissatisfaction
can be your friend. I know that we are taught in Eastern philosophy and wisdom traditions
to “want what you have” and “accept what-is.” But this isn’t about spiritual bypassing.
This is about listening to the calling of the Soul, which is trying to get your
attention. Maybe that bright, shiny object really is the diamond you’ve been waiting

Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, teacher, and
modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with
clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype,
phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at