Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ramesh’s Grace: A Simple Story of Waking Up

“You are not the doer!”
~ Ramesh Balsekar
Ramesh's Grace: A Simple Story of Waking Up

NEWS FLASH: December 1, 2012
Erin Reese releases “Ramesh’s Grace: A Simple Story of Waking Up” today on Amazon Kindle.
Dear friends:
I am releasing my first spiritual ‘single,’ a short story on Amazon Kindle, just in time for the holidays, the Solstice, and the big 2012 To-Do. The single, “Ramesh’s Grace: A Simple Story of Waking Up,” was written in honor of my beloved Teacher Ramesh Balsekar.

Erin Reese is a spiritual travel writer and the author of the #1-rated book, The Adventures of Bindi Girl: Diving Deep Into the Heart of India. In this short six-page piece, Reese shares a tale of awakening based on the grace of her guru, the late advaita sage Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009). She sat with Ramesh in Mumbai, India during the last two years of his life, receiving transmission and non-dual teachings on the nature of reality.

Awakening Is Timeless
Awakening is an appearance in time and space. It happens, or rather, it appears only in the Now. Perhaps this is one reason why I could not even name the date in which I realized that there was no separate self. It was sometime in mid-February 2011. I woke up and simultaneously ceased to exist, knowing there was no separate ‘me’ operating, no central Erin as a locus in time and space. This realization made me giggle with glee to the tips of my toes – and still does!

With gratitude
To all the teachers
Who helped me see
There is no me. 
You can read more about this in the short story, Ramesh’s Grace, available now on Amazon Kindle.

I hope you enjoy it.

In honor of the magical city of Mumbai where I met my guru on Thanksgiving Day, 11-22-2007, I’ve reposted my “Love Letter to Bombay” as a fun trailer, which you can watch here:

With love and grace,

P.S. For those readers wanting to deepen their understanding of awakening and being in the Now, I recommend listening to Eckhart Tolle's "Uncourse" free video series. In my opinion, Tolle is one of the best modern spiritual teachers - clear, funny, and precise. Here is the link:

It takes no time at all to wake up.
~ Eckhart Tolle

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