Today, October 23, we have a New Moon in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, the sign that lives life closest to the bone. This New Moon is an evolutionary-toned partial solar eclipse. The Sun, Moon, and Venus the goddess of love are all packed together at zero degrees - as of today, these three are just squeaking into their new sign of Scorpio. Why is this significant? Zero degrees of planets often herald the beginning of important life chapters; things that last. Often, life's new beginnings come with a significant ending - a death. Appropriate, given Scorpio's ruling planet, Pluto, is the lord of birth, death, and rebirth.
As we prepare to enter the colder months of the year and honor the dead
(Dio de Los Muertos/Samhain and Halloween), it’s a good time to
reflect on our own mortality. The reality of the short
time we have here can be a shock when we really contemplate it (I’m
meant to do ALL THIS in such a short life?), but it can also give us
courage to commit and therefore evolve.
We may draw death closer as an ally.
One of my favorite quotes from my book, The Adventures of Bindi Girl: Diving Deep Into the Heart of India comes from a chapter called "Me, Myself, and Mind" describing a Buddhist teaching learned at a Tibetan monastery: “If today is the day I am going to die, how do I wish to live?”
It’s a great equalizer, this question. When we contemplate our own mortality – not to be confused with morbidity! – it makes decisions much easier. Paradoxically, we draw life closer. In our heart of hearts, we ask ourselves the tough questions:
The goddess asteroid of wisdom, Pallas Athena, is at 1-degree Scorpio, conjunct this New Moon. We are meant to express, feel, enjoy, and think deeply - all at once. Feels a bit overwhelming? Welcome to Scorpio. If you were single before, perhaps you’re getting committed, truly mating for the first time. Maybe you're coming to a divorce finalization that will liberate you both. If you’ve been taking care of an aging parent it could be nearing the time for them to cross over. You will feel all the love in your heart for this process, and you will also have the clarity to make important decisions at the same time (Pallas). You can use your head and your heart. You can feel, and you can think straight. The only thing you won’t be able to do is be superficial. No wishy-washy wobbling here. Scorpio likes things intense, deep, and thorough. Decisive and incisive, that's the way.
Art is featured here, too, with the prominence of lady Venus conjunct the New Moon. Scorpio art loves regeneration. Themes of the phoenix rising from the ashes, or people overcoming death or life-threatening illnesses could be prominent. It can also be a time to face addiction, a power struggle, or thoroughly cleanse a facet of the body. Venus in Scorpio is primal: healing sex, deep intimacy, and magic.

Mercury in Libra is still retrograde until October 25 AND lies in a tough t-square to Pluto and Uranus. Ouch. Even though we are tempted to finalize agreements, as Mercury is in the contractual, negotiating sign of the Scales of Justice, it is not – I repeat, NOT – a good time to sign on the dotted line. If possible, wait until November 1. Things are simply too unstable still – too many challenges to ferret out. Unpredictable individuals (Uranus in Aries) and boards of authority (Pluto in Capricorn) may oppose your efforts and time can be wasted trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Relax and don’t get your knickers in a bunch: all will be well if you can just hang on a week or two. Breathe, be patient, and let the universe put the right players and pieces into place. With the Moon’s North Node also in Libra conjunct Mercury, rest assured there is MOVEMENT FORWARD into healthy commitment and settlements – and we should keep our eyes on that prize – it’s just not time to finalize.
Scorpio is a fixed sign. You can read that as ‘stubborn,’ and unchangeable unless it’s really the time to change, and then it’s nothing less than ultimate transformation. If you want something to get done, and get done thoroughly, give it to Scorpio.
Scorpio has three symbols, from lower to higher consciousness: the scorpion, the snake, and the phoenix. I like to call Scorpio the “Serpent Eagle,” integrating right use of kundalini shakti power along with the flight of the reborn phoenix, coming out of the ashes. You will always survive, and you can eat any poison of life and transform it to nectar. That’s the highest vibration of the fixed water sign of Scorpio.
Erin Reese is a spiritual guide, astrologer, and psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. Consider giving your loved one an astrology or psychic tarot consultation. She can be reached at

One of my favorite quotes from my book, The Adventures of Bindi Girl: Diving Deep Into the Heart of India comes from a chapter called "Me, Myself, and Mind" describing a Buddhist teaching learned at a Tibetan monastery: “If today is the day I am going to die, how do I wish to live?”
It’s a great equalizer, this question. When we contemplate our own mortality – not to be confused with morbidity! – it makes decisions much easier. Paradoxically, we draw life closer. In our heart of hearts, we ask ourselves the tough questions:
- Given my limited time on earth, is this honestly the way I want to live?
- Do I really want to get married to this person?
- Do I truly want to have a child?
- Do I truly want to continue this profession or start a new one?
- Do I need my aging parent to live with us?
- Do I need to dive off X cliff?
In those lifespan decades we can count on two hands, we get to
experience the gamut of life, death, and rebirth - and all the
resultant ups, downs, and all-arounds that go with those major
transitions. I believe that this Scorpio New Moon is going to reveal to
us the beginning of our next major life chapter, and it’s not going to
be superficial. Scorpio is anything but shallow. It will show us
where our deepest, rawest, primal self resides.
The goddess asteroid of wisdom, Pallas Athena, is at 1-degree Scorpio, conjunct this New Moon. We are meant to express, feel, enjoy, and think deeply - all at once. Feels a bit overwhelming? Welcome to Scorpio. If you were single before, perhaps you’re getting committed, truly mating for the first time. Maybe you're coming to a divorce finalization that will liberate you both. If you’ve been taking care of an aging parent it could be nearing the time for them to cross over. You will feel all the love in your heart for this process, and you will also have the clarity to make important decisions at the same time (Pallas). You can use your head and your heart. You can feel, and you can think straight. The only thing you won’t be able to do is be superficial. No wishy-washy wobbling here. Scorpio likes things intense, deep, and thorough. Decisive and incisive, that's the way.
Art is featured here, too, with the prominence of lady Venus conjunct the New Moon. Scorpio art loves regeneration. Themes of the phoenix rising from the ashes, or people overcoming death or life-threatening illnesses could be prominent. It can also be a time to face addiction, a power struggle, or thoroughly cleanse a facet of the body. Venus in Scorpio is primal: healing sex, deep intimacy, and magic.

Mercury in Libra is still retrograde until October 25 AND lies in a tough t-square to Pluto and Uranus. Ouch. Even though we are tempted to finalize agreements, as Mercury is in the contractual, negotiating sign of the Scales of Justice, it is not – I repeat, NOT – a good time to sign on the dotted line. If possible, wait until November 1. Things are simply too unstable still – too many challenges to ferret out. Unpredictable individuals (Uranus in Aries) and boards of authority (Pluto in Capricorn) may oppose your efforts and time can be wasted trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Relax and don’t get your knickers in a bunch: all will be well if you can just hang on a week or two. Breathe, be patient, and let the universe put the right players and pieces into place. With the Moon’s North Node also in Libra conjunct Mercury, rest assured there is MOVEMENT FORWARD into healthy commitment and settlements – and we should keep our eyes on that prize – it’s just not time to finalize.

Scorpio is a fixed sign. You can read that as ‘stubborn,’ and unchangeable unless it’s really the time to change, and then it’s nothing less than ultimate transformation. If you want something to get done, and get done thoroughly, give it to Scorpio.
Scorpio has three symbols, from lower to higher consciousness: the scorpion, the snake, and the phoenix. I like to call Scorpio the “Serpent Eagle,” integrating right use of kundalini shakti power along with the flight of the reborn phoenix, coming out of the ashes. You will always survive, and you can eat any poison of life and transform it to nectar. That’s the highest vibration of the fixed water sign of Scorpio.

Erin Reese is a spiritual guide, astrologer, and psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. Consider giving your loved one an astrology or psychic tarot consultation. She can be reached at