Tomorrow, we receive the New Moon in Capricorn, cardinal
earth sign of power, politics, authorities, and authoritarianism. The Moon is conjunct
Pluto-Hades, assuring intensity and power grabs with the tone of total
transformation, one in which many forms may fall away in order to
make room for the new. We see those who are lusting for power and control, and
those who are in opposition. With Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and asteroid goddess Pallas-Athena
converging tightly in radical Aquarius nearby, we see those who are
revolutionaries, resisters, and change-makers, whether we agree with them or
not. The playing field is changing from moment to moment and it’s close to impossible to
know who’s in charge anymore.
Let’s understand who’s really in charge: Consciousness. The
Eternal. When we settle into this, we settle into our own inner authority, which
is always moment to moment. This is where true peace and freedom lie. It requires
a dropping of the need for things to make sense or to go the way one thinks
they should. It requires a much deeper trust in Nature, in Reality, in a wisdom
that is beyond politics, religion, or belief systems.
Trusting Inner Authority
I was raised by a Capricorn single mother in the 1970’s when
there was no such thing as helicopter parenting or awards and trophies passed
out to every child in class. Times were more than often tough in our struggling
household, to be sure, and one key thing I learned straight out of the gate
from my mother: work hard, buck up, don’t complain, and take care of yourself
because nobody is going to come a-running to rescue you, skinned knee or broken
heart or hurt feelings or anything of the sort.
Tough Love, indeed. I don’t condone this sort of parenting
overall – but to be honest, I’d rather have been raised to fall back on myself,
my own inner authority, than not. Eventually, I had to recover to reclaim my
sensitivity and creative and emotional life, and learn to offer myself a sweeter
side, to nurture and comfort myself, and to offer words and acts of self-care, self-tenderness and self-compassion. I learned to receive, to let others help
me, to soften and relax. And to trust the Divine, thank Goddess.
And yet, with the staunch tone of the striving Sea-Goat, the climbing Capricorn at the helm, there’s no time for
victimhood. No one else is going to come from outside to make you happy or rescue you. It’s all an
inside job.
As I look at the New Moon chart, I see the intensity rising
as we head toward the U.S. presidential inauguration. Many folks are on
tenterhooks, wondering what will come, whether freedoms will return or be
revoked. Whether we will heal as a nation or further be fractured and opposed
to each other.
No matter one’s political leanings, those scrambling to find
answers in the external are distressed. Again and again over the past year (and since time began), Consciousness makes it
impossibly obvious: we see that there are no external answers, and serenity is not
found outside of ourselves. Many reading this have been preparing for peace for their entire lives. This is called relying on a higher wisdom,
and trusting your self, your inner authority, and The Self.
No longer can we wait for answers to our happiness and peace to come from the
media, from D.C., from Twitter or CNN, The New York Times,
Facebook or FOX News.
Anything can happen right now – the veil is lifted. We are offered
the opportunity to awaken, to stabilize our peace within. If we keep holding on
to the old ways of governing, of leading, of attempting to control, we are
going to be miserable.
Stabilize in Present Time
How to stabilize? It is absolutely vital to stay in the
Present Moment.
Turn off your phone. Go for a walk. Breathe.
If you are a news junkie or find yourself falling into a “scroll
hole” regularly, make concerted efforts to take breaks. Set a timer or an alarm
if you need to. Your serenity need not be determined by what you are reading,
hearing, watching.
Remember: you will always know exactly what to do in the
NOW, in the present moment. This is the only way.
If you are feeling fear, more than likely you are not in the
present moment. You are living in the future, which is ultimately false and
unreal, bring yourself back to the now by tuning into your body. Find your
feet. Breathe from your belly. Trust your intuition completely.
If the fear and anxiety are continuing, check in with your Inner
Child. Did she get spooked by what she heard or read? Is he feeling afraid
because the adults around are losing their minds and behaving crazily? Perhaps
the madness in the world – fear of illness, infighting, treachery – mimics the
early childhood environment. Children of all ages can easily go into shock –
fight, flight, freeze reactions – when “caregivers” or “authority figures” are
behaving unpredictably or are just flat out mentally ill or behaving like
raging alcoholics. What is happening in our greater society resembles the craziness
of being in an alcoholic or abusive home environment. Power grabbing,
gaslighting, controlling, terrorizing – it’s all here. So, work with your tools
of detachment and healing from codependence. Reassure your archetypal inner
child that they are loved, cared for, safe –that you are paying attention to
them and that you will look after them and protect them no matter what. You
will immediately find a relaxation occurring.
The truth of Who You Are, can never be contained. No person,
institution, virus, politician, cranky family member or opinionated friend can
take away your peace once it is firmly established in the Self, the Ground of Being.
If you are still jacked around by belief systems, religions, politics, ideologies
– allow the smoldering power of Pluto-Hades in Capricorn to burn it all, to take it and transform it at this New
Moon time. Release the identification with the external. It is so unnecessary –
the belief that things must go this-a-way or that-a-way. The Truth is What Is unfolding, in
the here and now. Once this is realized completely, one can easily relax.
At this Capricorn New Moon, we have an opportunity to
reclaim our inner authority, which is always in present time. Again: you will
always know exactly what to do in the moment. Not a hair’s breadth before or
after. Drop the stories, and stabilize in the Now.
Erin Reese, M.S. is a contemporary
non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over
thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive
readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and
mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business
coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied
liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.