Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Energies This Week: Updates from Erin

Hi everyone,

It’s been an ultra intense few weeks on the global scene, and the energy is up, down, and all around. Part of it has to do with Uranus stationing direct while Mars is sidling up to the exact conjunction on Wednesday, January 20 - the day of the inauguration.Kundalini Shakti is whipping around wildly – with life force rulers Uranus (activation and awakening) and Mars (action and raw energy) dancing closely. As I mentioned in last week’s forecast, it’s vitally important to stay grounded, rooted, in-tune with Self. If you’re feeling disoriented or stressed out, you might need to recalibrate. Try these things:

  • Hydrate (you may notice you are more thirsty these days)
  • Pay attention to your dreams - if you're agitated in the dreamtime, you might be processing for the collective and need to unplug more
  • Journal. Read a novel.
  • Go for a hike; if you can run or shuffle/jog, that would be great (get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes), or go for a bike ride.
  • Clear your energy field in your home. Ask your family to go out for the day, or a half-day, so you can reset. This can be done by cleaning house (yes, doing the dishes is grounding), cooking a soup, or simply sitting in one room quietly. The home will start to respond to you, and vice versa. Synch up with your home and the land you are on.
  • Create an altar or dust yours off. Put up an inspiring image or totem to guide and protect your energy field this week.
  • Most important: TAKE A MEDIA FAST. Do this for the next three days. You can do this entirely – no social media or news – or partially by simply removing the most nefarious app or website from your device. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is.
As an intuitive, I can tell you that the vibration of the body-mind and environment completely plummet after looking at the news or Twitter. I haven’t been on Facebook since 2010 but I can imagine it can also be a sticky sludge. You will know which input is harmful because you will feel paranoid, stirred up, angry, or anxious after interacting with it. So, for the next three days I invite you to join me in stepping away. You can absolutely trust that you will get any vital information another way. See how your mood and vibe improve within a day.

I hope these tips are helpful for you right now. It’s an unprecedented time on Mother Earth, and we are not separate. Even knowing this is all a play of Consciousness, it can still be stressful on the body-mind as we are in a collective evolutionary process. The more you can center, stabilize, and detox from negativity and fear, the better for you, me, and all of us. Thank You for good work.

Reminders and Updates:

Kundalini Rising: Meditation and Messages

Wednesday, January 20 @ 12N Pacific on Zoom

The exact time of the conjunction is 12:35pm Pacific.

Our last group meditation on New Year’s Day was beautiful and helpful for the 20+ folks who attended. So, let’s do it again. As always, we will see what opens up on the call itself. Surely, we will take some time for grounding and centering, before dropping into silence together. I will be tuning into my guides and the collective, and will share some of the information and pointers received for the group. Also, you may ask questions and receive guidance during the call.

Please RSVP directly to me (simply reply to this email) for the special Zoom link!


Non-Duality & Divine Feminine Transmission
Online Retreat with Erin Reese, M.S.
Fri thru Sun, February 5-7 

I'm offering a three-day online retreat the first weekend of February, wherein we will join together four times over a period of three days to go deeper into these teachings, which are called "non-duality" or Advaita in Sanskrit ("not-two"). To put it most simply, All Is One, and the total and complete realization of this truth is called awakening by some. I call it freedom.

There will be no outside "work" or practices outside of the meeting times. It is entirely up to you how you spend your time between sessions, whether you choose to read, meditate, be in nature, dance, be with your family, journal, be silent, or work. The teachings will naturally deepen in you through simple Existence.

Some folks have expressed a sincere interest in participating, but are experiencing financial stress right now; therefore, I'm offering a scholarships, so please email me soon for information on applying. If you are drawn to attend, the way will be made available to you.

The whole point is freedom. Freedom from suffering.
The peace that is always and ever-abiding, in the NOW.


Also, I have a few openings in my practice right now for ongoing clients who are interested in spiritual mentoring/counseling or intuitive consulting with me, weekly or biweekly or monthly. Please email me for information and let me know which days you have availability, and we’ll see what we can do.

Remember to LOVE yourself. This is a WILD time. Be gentle. Don’t expect yourself to have all of the answers. Take it easy, ask your friends and loved ones for what you need. Respect your body-mind, and keep your head clear and connected to Self. Drop the mind, and the world disappears.

With love,


Erin Reese, M.S.
is a contemporary non-dual spiritual teacher, author and guide. A modern mystic with over thirty years of experience, Erin Reese offers incisive, practical intuitive readings to her clients worldwide. She is a counselor, guide and mentor to those seeking an alternative to traditional psychotherapy or business coaching. Erin also offers non-dual meetings and retreats on embodied liberation and freedom from suffering. Visit for more information.


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