Hi friends:
I’m experimenting with a new approach: a weekly-ish astro-tarot forecast for each of the twelve signs.
Hope you enjoy it – I’d love your feedback!
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Without further ado, let us look at how the week of July 6 is shaping up for you!
For best results, as always, be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign.
Erin Reese’s Astro-Tarot messages
WEEK OF JULY 6, 2014
After purifying my Universal Waite Tarot deck and calling upon my guides, here are my channeled messages for the week of July 6, 2014:
Communicate. Let your words and ideas flow through the airwaves. Network and share with the world all of that great energy and excitement running through your life. Others will benefit when they hear from you. Whether you share more on Facebook or via the old-fashioned telephone, this week heralds a time for fiery Rams to get back in touch with folks and make your presence known, whether we’re talking business or personal. Feel the information buzz.
Heartbreak can also be heart opening. Any disappointments or sorrows running through your soul right now – hurts, losses, actual grief or even depression – can be transformed into a piercing of the spiritual heart center. This brings more openness, spaciousness, and capacity to love in even deeper expressions. Fear not if tears or rocky emotional waters arise this month. All can be used in service to true love, our true nature.
“Tea for two, and two for tea…Just me for you and you for me…” sang Doris Day back in the day. This is a theme for the Twins this week. Make a plan and cultivate a vision that involves you and another person to grow together in this life. It could be a creative endeavor or a business plan or a lasting relationship. Join forces and negotiate the ropes with a partner in love, work, or play. Now is not the time to go it alone! Keep your eye on the end goal and you will get there – together.
“Celebrate good times, C’mon!” You are on holiday, Cancer, and yes, there’s a party goin’ on right here – even if it’s deep inside of your soul. July is a month of good times to be had with friends and loved ones. Holiday barbecues are just the beginning – there are also garden soirees, resting by the river, lying by the pool, and long siestas. Good food and drink are sure to be had, too, along with some Cancer-lovin’ dancing in the Moon light. Let it in – a real summer vacay!
Put on your safari hat or pith helmet, Leo, because you’re on the prowl for something fresh ‘n (f)risky this week. Adventures are on the horizon. Maybe it’s a trip to the Great Outdoors or perhaps you’re in for an exploration of a new nation this month. No matter what jungle you decide to conquer, O Regal One, it’s vital that you follow your courageous heart into uncharted territory this summer. You are so worth it.
Summer months are exquisite for sitting outside after Moonrise, and for earthy Virgo this can be sheer bliss. Listen to the crickets chirp or the breezes whisper. You may hear a coyote or the stimulating sounds of the city. Let the night speak to you this week. La Bella Luna has many secrets to share with you and she will comfort your nervous system. Get out under the stars whether at a campsite or at a city park. The Full Moon in Capricorn falls in your house of pure fun on July 12.
- Where are the specific influences in YOUR life right now?
- What power is available to you now?
- What are the planets asking you to focus on most of all?
Find out how you can benefit and work with the energies. Contact me for an astrological or tarot consultation at erin@erinreese.com. We can do the reading via phone, email or Skype – your choice!
Libra is a mental air sign and the air element gives you a great ability to connect with others and share your heart through written and spoken words. This week, if you feel a bit tripped up on the communication front with friends, family and loved ones, try not to take on too much. The Libra Scales value peace and harmony so very much, that if anything is off kilter it can really affect your sleep. Ask yourself if you’re taking more than your fair share of responsibility. Let others do their part of the work, and don’t give yourself too much grief. You need your beauty rest.
While you are an emotionally-driven water sign, Scorpio, and you’re tapped into the deepest waters of feeling. But emotions for you are more than ‘happy, sad, angry,’ etc. They are experienced on a body level. You are extremely sensual, and not just sexual. This week and month, tune in to your physicality and let the body be your guide to healing and enjoyment and pleasure. Try new approaches and find creative solutions in your life through feeling sensations. Maybe you can try a new breathing technique, a new form of massage, or yoga, swimming, or hiking. Whatever the modality, do try to deepen your body consciousness this month.

Romance, love, relationship – these are all themes arising for Archers in July. If you’re in an established union, you may be exploring how to deepen the bond with your beloved. You may be placing more attention on the enjoyment or nurturing of your partnership. If you’re single, this is a great time to put yourself out there to date and meet potential paramours. Start by making a Lover Wish List: what are the absolute essential qualities you need for a happy love affair, long or short term? Write it down so the Universe knows what to bring you!
Cappy the Sea Goat is affiliated with the Tenth House of a horoscope – the realm of responsibility and authority. It just irks Capricorn no end when the rest of the world isn’t pulling its weight in the work of life! This week you can be more effective in taking charge and getting the job done through speaking your mind. Try to center yourself and T.H.I.N.K. first – is it Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind? If the answer is “yes,” let it rip! You can move mountains in July to get the job done when you speak up.
Cappy the Sea Goat is affiliated with the Tenth House of a horoscope – the realm of responsibility and authority. It just irks Capricorn no end when the rest of the world isn’t pulling its weight in the work of life! This week you can be more effective in taking charge and getting the job done through speaking your mind. Try to center yourself and T.H.I.N.K. first – is it Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind? If the answer is “yes,” let it rip! You can move mountains in July to get the job done when you speak up.
Groan. Folks often cringe when this bugaboo appears in a reading. Aquarius, it’s time to face some of the bigger demons in your psyche – those areas of fear and anxiety, worry and reactivity that continue to cause you grief and tension. These may be especially related to expectations set overly high on self or others. Even if summer is ‘supposed’ to be a big holiday fun fest, sometimes there is still deep inner work to do. This week and month, don’t let the demons get you down. You’re meant to face them head on, and watch them dissolve through awareness and become your allies and protectors! I recommend the book and tantric meditation practice, Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict by Tsultrim Allione (2008).
You know that joie de vivre that inspires you so much and makes you so much fun to be around, Pisces? July is the month to get back in touch with your zest for living. Can you take even a little trip somewhere, new or exotic? You are itching for new vistas and exposure to alternative lifestyles, ways of living or thinking. Pack a bag and hit the road, Fish. Even “Just keep swimming!” Nemo had a big adventure – you can too! If you can’t possibly leave the home, make an exotic realm in the house filled with stimulating and creative input: Books! Music! Film! Art!
Erin Reese is a spiritual guide, astrologer, and psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. Consider giving your loved one an astrology or psychic tarot consultation for a gift. She can be reached at erin@erinreese.com.
Erin, I was so happy and grateful to read that you'll be sharing your astro-tarot wisdom weekly. Thank you!