Erin Reese’s Astro-Tarot messages
July 21 through August 2, 2014
For best results, as always, be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. If you love these forecasts, why not show your support by making a donation to keep the free astrology and tarot reports coming your way – it’s good karma! You can visit the website at and click for a subscription of $5.00 per month, too.

Now that we’re at the grand height of summer, dear Taurus, you’re finally feeling ready to get going on a new, major creative project. Get moving with the strength of a Bull! A big burst of energy is coming available and you need only “just say yes!” to impulses and opportunities. Passion is a great way-shower for you right now – listen to that which moves you! Follow your desires and bliss and feel the power surge through you. It’s a gift from Spirit.

Did you notice, Gem, that the word “authority” has the same root as the words “author” and “authentic”? When we’re being authentic, we’re in our true authority, and this is the tone of the Twin this week and next. What slice of life, what niche of experience is uniquely you and yours? We all have something we are particularly known for. Write about it, talk about it, sell it… In essence, “own” it, Gemini. You are here to represent that quality in the world, with confidence!
Are you feeling dissatisfied these days, Cancer? A bit apathetic even? Check to be sure that you’re not too lonely! While you’re super sensitive and need recuperative alone time, you also need to interact with others in order to get that special rush of Cancer endorphins. In other words, you need to be needed, wanted, and appreciated. Have you been receiving invitations to play, to spend time or work with folks, but aren’t receptive? Open up, even if you don’t feel entirely comfortable. It’s good for your heart to say yes to the gifts on offer.
“It’s the new Mother Nature taking over,” sang The Guess Who back in the day (1970). Yep, Mama Nature is exactly what you need right now, dear Leo. No excuses! Set aside a goodly chunk of time to get out of doors, ideally near a pond, river, lake, stream, or ocean. Long walks or picnics in the woods or even a city park are also called for. Think trees and water. This high-vibration, natural environment will immediately contribute to a higher state of mind. Look at the flourishing flora and fauna of the height of summer. Let Venus, goddess of Love, speak her secrets outside.

It’s time for Virgo to spend more time in quiet contemplation, a.k.a. meditation. It’s not important that you sit like a statue for an hour every day, no. It’s up to you to simply find a space and time to clear your mind, and quiet the busy-ness and chatter. This could be through gardening or yard work, running a trail, or regularly walking by a stream or lake or sea. It could be taking a dog for a walk or pet the cat for 15 minutes. You could lie on a picnic blanket and take a ten minute nap, or watch the clouds dance across the sky. Virgo, you need the rest and replenishment to support your intuitive faculty. If you’re relying too much on your analytic side, you’ll get tense and wound up – not good for the nervous system.
Where are the specific influences in YOUR life right now? What power is available to you now? What are the planets asking you to focus on most of all? Find out how you can benefit and work with the energies through awareness. Contact Erin for an astrological or tarot consultation at I read all over the world for clients via phone, email or Skype – your choice! Click here for information on my services and prices.

Now that the planet of drive and action, Mars, moves into your sign on July 25, Scorpios can finally get down to what they really want to accomplish! Mars has spent so much time behind the scenes in Scorp’s solar 12th house of hidden affairs, you almost wondered if you were existing. But now, get ready to move and groove and create with great impact. Mars is your ancient ruler (before Pluto was discovered) and he is going to get the job done in your immediate sphere. Get ready for some pure, potential raw power. All it takes now is a spark to set off the kindling and be catapulted forward. Sidle up near some heat source of inspiration and get ignited. Watch your visions unfold like a roaring flame.
Ah, love – ain’t it grand? For almost a year in your forecast, Sag, I’ve been seeing love and romance in your cards. Are you taking advantage of the possibilities to open your heart and share with others? It’s never too late to fall in love and we never know how it will happen. Trust that it can happen to you, and get in line with the heart. You can be both the smartest person in the room and the sexiest! Over the next two weeks, you are either going to receive an invitation to go on a date, or you will be urged to ask that object of interest out yourself. No one in mind? Take a friend to watch a rom-com!

Have you endured a loss of late, perhaps gotten a rough hand? Try to remember that failures bring us that much closer to the finish line. It’s just a matter of perspective. We have to keep trying, even when our disappointment takes over. In sports, they say, “you miss 100% of the shots you never take.” Are you resisting putting your heart and soul into something new because things haven’t worked out in the past? It’s time to practice a little hopeful “half full glass” attitude adjustment. You will never get everything you want in life, but you will prevail. Something good is always left in the picture.

Work, work, work –keeps on coming, don’t it? It seems like you’ve been busting your behind lately, Water Bearer. You need to collaborate with others and be as productive as you can while opportunities abound. As they say, make hay while the sun shines. Check yourself this week: what is your goal? Is it financial or creative? Health and fitness or home project related? Are you persevering? Enlist others to be on your team now: you have good energy surrounding you at this time, which helps you meet your aim. Facilitate other folks’ contributions. Money rolls in.
Now is the time for you to get back to work, dear Fish, sharing that which you have to offer. Don’t hide your talents! Whether through creativity, supervising children (of any age), creating works of art and writing, counseling and helping others – you’ve got so much goodness in your soul. Try not to focus too much now on the whys or hows of work – just stay in action mode and show up, offering your unique gifts or handicrafts to others. This helps you stay focused, too, and keeps your sensitive body-mind engaged in a healthy way. We love you!
Erin Reese, author of the top-rated travel memoir, The Adventures of Bindi Girl: Diving Deep Into the Heart of India is a spiritual guide, astrologer, and psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. Consider giving your loved one an astrology or psychic tarot consultation. She can be reached at Her book is available on Amazon Kindle and paperback here.
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