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Hundertwasser |
It’s your thing. Do what you wanna do.
I can’t tell ya who to sock it to.

Today, August 10, we have a Full Moon in the freedom-lovin’ air sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. During this time of loonier lunar energy, we are meant to reflect on our own quirks and individual brand of liberty. If there’s anything the sign of Aquarius is hooked on, it’s personal freedom! With the Water Bearer, anything goes – and yep, I mean you can do anything and it's fine with them, as long as it does not impinge upon their ability to do whatever they want, too!
At this ‘let your freak flag fly’ Full Moon of August, we can ask ourselves, what does it mean to confidently do our own thing? And, at the same time: how do we tolerate others who are unyielding in doing things their way? Perhaps it all boils down to “live and let live.”
Aquarius energy is truthful, independent, ahead of its time, and may not make sense to everyone else. Aquarius marches to her own drum, dances to her own didgeridoo. She is a fixed, committed sign, and playing by her own rules, she gets the job done! If your Aquarius (Sun, Rising, Moon) or Uranian-influenced friend, lover, boss or employee tells you that he or she is going to do something, you can be 99% sure it’s going to happen. Finishing is one of the Water Bearer’s greatest attributes. It’s an integrity thing.
We all carry Aquarius in our birth charts somewhere. It is the visionary voice within that encourages us to be offbeat and be firm in our convictions. It's our special niche of life, where we must do things differently than the rest of the herd. If we remember that we are all part Aquarius, we can be a whole lot more tolerant of other people’s idiosyncrasies. They’re not trying to be annoying; they’re just being themselves.

Aquarius flouts any rule that does not make good sense to them, on that particular day. It doesn’t matter if something is considered right or wrong according to contemporary society. It has to abide by a higher law, an ideal that Aquarius sees will truly benefit the world and the self, at that moment in time. Otherwise, forget it.
I should know: I’m an Aquarius, and so is my partner. Neither of us will budge a millimeter to move on something unless it makes sense to us, to our ideals. We ain’t moving, baby, unless the principal is sound. If that checks out, well, then, you’ve got a committed teammate, no question!
In preparation for today’s article, I revisited a tome of the great astrologer Linda Goodman, one of my inspirations. In Love Signs, Linda reminds me that Aquarius is not trying to be cruel or obstinate when they don’t compromise with the world’s needs or requests. Not at all. It’s just that Aquarius, quite simply, cannot do that which he or she is not designed to do. It is the quintessential sign of independence, through and through.
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Banksy |
Aquarius lives on hunches and Uranian intuition. At this time of the Full Moon, trust that people are answering a higher calling, a pull toward the Future.
If I say I must do something that seems particularly strange, trust that I am following a knowing in my soul. I have vision. I have integrity. I have commitment. I am an Aquarius, after all, and when I give you my word, it’s sprinkled with stardust and solid as a space rock.
With a wealth of modern expertise in the ancient arts of Astrology and the Tarot, Erin Reese is an intuitive consultant uniquely positioned to answer your questions via Skype, phone or email. Contact Erin: erin@erinreese.com
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