Saturday, August 23, 2014

New Moon in Virgo: Disciplined Action


On Monday, August 25, we have a New Moon in Virgo, the mutable, rational earth sign. It’s no surprise that Virgo season is typically “Back to School” time around the world. Kids of all ages return to their education, whether in an actual classroom or by gearing up for a new work cycle after the Labor Day holidays.

Ruled by information-savvy, rational Mercury, Virgo energy brings us into alignment with the practical, discerning mind. Unlike connection-making air sign Gemini, who is also Mercury-ruled, earthy Virgo carefully filters input, deriving the most pertinent points. Virgo then rolls up its sleeves and takes the organized data into the world to get down to business in a useful, formative manner.

And that’s what we’re asked to do now: look at the details of our lives, and get down to business. Where are we being called to be of service in a hands-on fashion? Where do we need to go back to work, or back to school as the case may be? Where and how do we need to get organized?

We can establish good foundations and systems in our lives right now, preparing for the Harvest Moon in two weeks, in dreamy, boundless Pisces. Only when we have sound structures in our lives can we then trust the flow. With effective and tested systems, we will be able to make good use of the imagination and expansiveness sure to come during the September 8th Full Moon in Pisces.

So get your calendaring up to date, your software installed, your proposals outlined, your tool shed de-cluttered, your kitchen cupboards organized. You’re going to want to do it by the first week of September, making best use of the helping-hand New Moon in Virgo.


We have an important planetary aspect occurring right now that corroborates this New Moon energy: Saturn, the karmic cop, is exactly conjunct (aligned with) Mars, the action-instigator, in Scorpio. These two have their differences, to be sure, but with a lot of awareness and disciplined action, one can move big mountains utilizing their combined energies. Saturn requires us to work within the world, the maya of life. He asks for structure, organization, long-term goals and gives us the capacity to do hard work. He wants us to make the most of our relatively short life on this planet and add meaning to the mix – to leave our legacy.

Mars, on the other hand, offers drive, free will, and power to get things done. You can see where their union can be a great match! The push-pull danger, however, can come from frustration when our impulsive, spontaneous Mars natures and passions are slowed down by curmudgeonly Saturn.

The solution? Use Mars’ energy, vitality, and action to run a marathon, not a sprint. Whatever you’re working toward and implementing at this New Moon in Virgo, make sure it’s got longevity, purpose, meaning, and depth. Let’s not forget these two planets are currently in Scorpio – the rebirth sign of deep investigations, sex, death, and emotional intimacy/intensity...

If you’re getting flack in your feedback, slow down and breathe. Check to be sure you’re not exhibiting impatience due to lack of trust in the process. Ask Sir Saturn what you need to implement or change in order to evolve and capitalize upon red planet Mars’ power. Once you get that key data point in place, your world will hum along much more smoothly.

In sum, at this time of New Moon in Virgo, remember: long-term planning and projects are favored, along with attention to detail, tempered and effective action, and patience. Hard work will be asked of you, but there is a guaranteed payout at the end of the road. You can achieve anything right now, so long as you apply the Virgo discriminating mind to it! Have fortitude and confidence that your ambition and dedication will enable to you to successfully launch a completely new chapter in your life, leaving a legacy that is uniquely yours.

With a wealth of modern expertise in the ancient arts of Astrology and the Tarot, Erin Reese is a psychic consultant uniquely positioned to answer your questions via Skype, phone or email. Contact Erin:

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