Dear Friends:
The great autumnal transformation is in full throttle…what a glorious season of change, harvest, and color. I find it so creatively inspiring, and with this energy I’m thrilled to present your Astro-Tarot Forecast for October 2014!
September was ultra-busy for me with that “back to school” energy moving and shaking through my personal and professional life, so I couldn’t prepare this for you. I missed it, and I wonder if you did, too. Time-allowing, I’ll continue to do my best to post an Astro-Tarot Forecast each month for you, beloved readers.
This October is going to be quite a big month on the planetary front, with an evolutionarily intense Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct change-agent Uranus in Aries on October 8. You can look forward to my regular astrological forecast on that next week. Please also note that Mercury turns retrograde October 4 and so our trickster communication planet will be delivering all sorts of twists and turns on that front for the month – so do cross your t’s and dot your i’s carefully!
Now, without further ado, let’s see how October is lining up for YOU! Be sure to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign for best results. For more personalized guidance, click here to see my offerings in Astrology, Tarot, Intuitive Consulting and Spiritual Counseling.

ARIES: Eight of Swords
Ram, there are times this month where you’ll be feeling caught between a rock and a hard place, or for those more literary Aries, “between Scylla and Charibdis.” In short, when you’re using old ways of looking at your situation, you might feel really, really STUCK. When Mercury is Retrograde, you could feel like sticky circumstances are squelching your normally blazing inner fire and thwarting your attempts to get things done. Perhaps you’re barking up the wrong tree. Sit back, rest your mind and go within or distract yourself from the problem. A new course entirely will emerge by month’s end. Forcing anything right now will only perpetuate the struggle. October Theme for Aries: Give Up the Struggle

TAURUS: Queen of Wands
My earthy friend, you need to put on your professional hat this month. It’s a great time to pull in all that Gaia power beneath your feet and look at how you can better apply it to your career world. Own your authority, Taurus! You have raw, creative talent to share with the rest of us, and you can be recognized now. Powerful women in your life can be of great assistance to you in October. Let them help you rise higher. Look at feminist ways of conducting business. You don’t have to succeed via an iron fist. October Theme for Taurus: Professional Prowess

GEMINI: Ace of Cups
Make a new start this October based on a seed of Love. The Libra Sun and the Moon’s North Node continue to shine in your solar Fifth House of amore and creative babies. It’s time to drop deeper into your personal heart, Gem, and discover what you really, really want – let it be for you, selfish you. It doesn’t have to make sense; it doesn’t have to be practical or rational. Trust that the Divine has your back on this one. Say yes. October Theme for Gemini: Do It for Love
CANCER: The Empress
Lookie-you, O Cancerian! You’re riding a fertile, creative wave through October. Maybe your project hasn’t birthed into the world entirely yet, but you can rest assured that whatever you’ve been sitting on will yield abundant fruit in six months or less! So much is happening beneath the surface. Keep feeding your pet project – it’s developing beautifully! October Theme for Cancer: Creative Juiciness
LEO: Two of Cups
When you come face-to-face with a person you can deeply respect, Leo, your loyalty is unsurpassed. You give your whole heart to those who’ve earned it. October is the month to recognize that other person and the glorious team the two of you make, whether it’s a spouse, work colleague, or BFF (best friend forever). Tremendous healing comes to you this month through celebrating partnership. October Theme for Leo: The Power of Two

VIRGO: Page of Wands
All of your activities are humming along, the “dishes are done,” and you’ve got energy to spare, Virgo. It’s time for you to chart a new course. A surprise message or invitation will come your way this month – a phone call, a card or letter, an email – which sends you on a hunt for that “something new.” Take a side trip, spread your wings a bit. Your spirit needs to soar and you need fresh energy to spark up your life. October theme for Virgo: Heed the Call

LIBRA: The Moon
Many Librans will feel a huge pull of the total lunar eclipse on October 8, for it’s in your opposite sign of Aries. You may be uncomfortably confronted or your need to have it all diplomatic and copacetic may be challenged. October may not be harmonious mid-month, so be prepared. You’re going to have to trust that whatever Big Change comes your way, it will not be in your hands. Let the Universe put things back into balance in its own way. It will all work out, don’t worry! Your dreams could be prophetic this month. October theme for Libra: Not In My Hands

SCORPIO: Eight of Pentacles
Work, earn, refine, focus. You’ve got to get down to brass tacks this month, Scorp, for you have plenty of work to do. Roll up your sleeves, humble yourself, and keep at it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and by the same token, neither will your magnum opus, nor your cherished accolades come to fruition overnight. Let your bank account be bolstered cent by cent – you will get there. Right now, it’s not about the amount of money and reward coming in, it’s the slow and steady route. Sometimes, it can feel like a grind, but find joy in the daily practice of showing up to your workbench. October theme for Scorpio: Suit up and show up

In some way, Sagittarius, you’ve hit a peak in your life. Your Spirit is whole, complete, and full-filled at the moment. You’ve achieved so much already in 2014 – just look at the past nine months. It’s been a huge accomplishment year and it’s only October. This month is time for you to recognize just how far you’ve come. You have great wisdom and perspective to share with others and just about anything you touch will succeed in your own unique way. October theme for Sagittarius: “I am a success!”

It is only natural to crave uniting with a beloved, Cappy. Sometimes you can be so independent and responsible you forget how a partner can contribute greatly to your universe. October is a time to let the idea percolate a bit more. If you’re single, ask yourself, “What would my life be like if I opened myself to real love again?” If already paired, ask, “What would my life be like if I allowed myself to open up more deeply in this holy union?” October theme for Capricorn: Opening Up to Another

AQUARIUS: King of Swords
Speak, Aquarius! Speak! You’re meant to use the power of your thought-sword as words this October. Write, talk, profess your wisdom in authoritative ways. You have a fair, just, correct and accurate message to put forth to your world community at large. Trust that you have all you need and get the word out. Share your passionate vision. Your ideas cannot be held back! October theme for Aquarius: Speak Your Mind

PISCES: Three of Pentacles
Time for you to work on a communal, hands-on project this month, Fish. The earth element is your friend, so somehow get involved in your community of friends, neighbors, work-mates and make something long-lasting together. Your efforts will not go unnoticed. It will be successful so long as you build, step-by-step, in cooperation. You’ve got what it takes so take pride in your project! October theme for Pisces: One Brick at a Time
Happy October, everyone!
Warm wishes,
With a wealth of modern expertise in the ancient arts of Astrology and the Tarot, Erin Reese is an intuitive consultant uniquely positioned to answer your questions via Skype, phone or email. Contact Erin:
The great autumnal transformation is in full throttle…what a glorious season of change, harvest, and color. I find it so creatively inspiring, and with this energy I’m thrilled to present your Astro-Tarot Forecast for October 2014!
September was ultra-busy for me with that “back to school” energy moving and shaking through my personal and professional life, so I couldn’t prepare this for you. I missed it, and I wonder if you did, too. Time-allowing, I’ll continue to do my best to post an Astro-Tarot Forecast each month for you, beloved readers.
This October is going to be quite a big month on the planetary front, with an evolutionarily intense Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct change-agent Uranus in Aries on October 8. You can look forward to my regular astrological forecast on that next week. Please also note that Mercury turns retrograde October 4 and so our trickster communication planet will be delivering all sorts of twists and turns on that front for the month – so do cross your t’s and dot your i’s carefully!
Now, without further ado, let’s see how October is lining up for YOU! Be sure to read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign for best results. For more personalized guidance, click here to see my offerings in Astrology, Tarot, Intuitive Consulting and Spiritual Counseling.
Astro-Tarot Forecast by Erin Reese ~ October 2014

ARIES: Eight of Swords
Ram, there are times this month where you’ll be feeling caught between a rock and a hard place, or for those more literary Aries, “between Scylla and Charibdis.” In short, when you’re using old ways of looking at your situation, you might feel really, really STUCK. When Mercury is Retrograde, you could feel like sticky circumstances are squelching your normally blazing inner fire and thwarting your attempts to get things done. Perhaps you’re barking up the wrong tree. Sit back, rest your mind and go within or distract yourself from the problem. A new course entirely will emerge by month’s end. Forcing anything right now will only perpetuate the struggle. October Theme for Aries: Give Up the Struggle

TAURUS: Queen of Wands
My earthy friend, you need to put on your professional hat this month. It’s a great time to pull in all that Gaia power beneath your feet and look at how you can better apply it to your career world. Own your authority, Taurus! You have raw, creative talent to share with the rest of us, and you can be recognized now. Powerful women in your life can be of great assistance to you in October. Let them help you rise higher. Look at feminist ways of conducting business. You don’t have to succeed via an iron fist. October Theme for Taurus: Professional Prowess

GEMINI: Ace of Cups
Make a new start this October based on a seed of Love. The Libra Sun and the Moon’s North Node continue to shine in your solar Fifth House of amore and creative babies. It’s time to drop deeper into your personal heart, Gem, and discover what you really, really want – let it be for you, selfish you. It doesn’t have to make sense; it doesn’t have to be practical or rational. Trust that the Divine has your back on this one. Say yes. October Theme for Gemini: Do It for Love

CANCER: The Empress
Lookie-you, O Cancerian! You’re riding a fertile, creative wave through October. Maybe your project hasn’t birthed into the world entirely yet, but you can rest assured that whatever you’ve been sitting on will yield abundant fruit in six months or less! So much is happening beneath the surface. Keep feeding your pet project – it’s developing beautifully! October Theme for Cancer: Creative Juiciness

When you come face-to-face with a person you can deeply respect, Leo, your loyalty is unsurpassed. You give your whole heart to those who’ve earned it. October is the month to recognize that other person and the glorious team the two of you make, whether it’s a spouse, work colleague, or BFF (best friend forever). Tremendous healing comes to you this month through celebrating partnership. October Theme for Leo: The Power of Two

VIRGO: Page of Wands
All of your activities are humming along, the “dishes are done,” and you’ve got energy to spare, Virgo. It’s time for you to chart a new course. A surprise message or invitation will come your way this month – a phone call, a card or letter, an email – which sends you on a hunt for that “something new.” Take a side trip, spread your wings a bit. Your spirit needs to soar and you need fresh energy to spark up your life. October theme for Virgo: Heed the Call

LIBRA: The Moon
Many Librans will feel a huge pull of the total lunar eclipse on October 8, for it’s in your opposite sign of Aries. You may be uncomfortably confronted or your need to have it all diplomatic and copacetic may be challenged. October may not be harmonious mid-month, so be prepared. You’re going to have to trust that whatever Big Change comes your way, it will not be in your hands. Let the Universe put things back into balance in its own way. It will all work out, don’t worry! Your dreams could be prophetic this month. October theme for Libra: Not In My Hands

SCORPIO: Eight of Pentacles
Work, earn, refine, focus. You’ve got to get down to brass tacks this month, Scorp, for you have plenty of work to do. Roll up your sleeves, humble yourself, and keep at it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and by the same token, neither will your magnum opus, nor your cherished accolades come to fruition overnight. Let your bank account be bolstered cent by cent – you will get there. Right now, it’s not about the amount of money and reward coming in, it’s the slow and steady route. Sometimes, it can feel like a grind, but find joy in the daily practice of showing up to your workbench. October theme for Scorpio: Suit up and show up

In some way, Sagittarius, you’ve hit a peak in your life. Your Spirit is whole, complete, and full-filled at the moment. You’ve achieved so much already in 2014 – just look at the past nine months. It’s been a huge accomplishment year and it’s only October. This month is time for you to recognize just how far you’ve come. You have great wisdom and perspective to share with others and just about anything you touch will succeed in your own unique way. October theme for Sagittarius: “I am a success!”

It is only natural to crave uniting with a beloved, Cappy. Sometimes you can be so independent and responsible you forget how a partner can contribute greatly to your universe. October is a time to let the idea percolate a bit more. If you’re single, ask yourself, “What would my life be like if I opened myself to real love again?” If already paired, ask, “What would my life be like if I allowed myself to open up more deeply in this holy union?” October theme for Capricorn: Opening Up to Another

AQUARIUS: King of Swords
Speak, Aquarius! Speak! You’re meant to use the power of your thought-sword as words this October. Write, talk, profess your wisdom in authoritative ways. You have a fair, just, correct and accurate message to put forth to your world community at large. Trust that you have all you need and get the word out. Share your passionate vision. Your ideas cannot be held back! October theme for Aquarius: Speak Your Mind

PISCES: Three of Pentacles
Time for you to work on a communal, hands-on project this month, Fish. The earth element is your friend, so somehow get involved in your community of friends, neighbors, work-mates and make something long-lasting together. Your efforts will not go unnoticed. It will be successful so long as you build, step-by-step, in cooperation. You’ve got what it takes so take pride in your project! October theme for Pisces: One Brick at a Time
Happy October, everyone!
Warm wishes,
With a wealth of modern expertise in the ancient arts of Astrology and the Tarot, Erin Reese is an intuitive consultant uniquely positioned to answer your questions via Skype, phone or email. Contact Erin:
Good solid divination, Erin! So glad you are posting on the calendar month as well now. This is enormously helpful, validating energy. Thank you for bringing it down and doing the work to put it out there. Really nicely done. Love the autumn image you chose as well. Thanks so much! Hey, are there FB and Twitter links so I can post a link on my pages to your blog?
ReplyDeleteHi Tina! Great tip - I will figure out the Twitter link and add that to the posts. In the meantime, posting the blogspot link is very much appreciated! Wishing you a GREAT autumn!