Today, November 6, we have a Full Moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. During this lunation, we are reminded it’s not just what we want in life that makes us happy; it’s what we NEED that enables us to fulfill our deepest longings and to feel that earthy sense of calm.

How do we keep and maintain “abstract values”? We consistently INVEST our life force into them – time, money, energy, vitality – into them. Consider a few scenarios:
- You may not always like to be around certain family members, yet you know somehow it’s good for you to cultivate your roots and tribal belonging. So, you suck it up and make your appearance at the holidays as a way of nurturing those bonds over time.
- You come to realize that professional growth means more than just how much you earn: you also need to learn. So, in order to keep your brain happy, you sign up for a class at your local community college, or go back for that advanced degree you’ve always thought about getting.
- You know that ample time spent in Nature feeds your soul, relaxes your nervous system, and provides healthy stimulation. So, you start a habit of booking a semi-annual backpacking trip or outing to Yosemite AND get it secured on the calendar far in advance. You guard that date.
- You’ve learned that longevity in partnership is not to be taken for granted. It requires commitment – a willingness to work through the hard stuff. You forego an old pattern of disposable relationships and online dating in order to invest in one special person. You realize that it won’t be perfect overnight and that it takes time to trust deeply.

Work that Spending Plan
This Full Moon is square Jupiter in Leo and opposing Saturn in Scorpio. Jupiter in Leo can be showy and sometimes tends to be a big spender in order to impress or entertain oneself or others. Full Moon in Taurus only wants us to feel comfortable, secure, nourished. Saturn in Scorpio challenges us to consider the needs of the other in our most intertwined relationships, no matter how uncomfortable. While these planets are in a challenging position to each other, there may be discussions of “how much is enough?” and “how do we meet both of our needs?” For example, you might want to fly to Hawaii for Thanksgiving, but your partner says airfares are too high, so let’s stay closer to home and save our hard-earned money. You’ll have to come up with a creative solution that meets both the budgetary needs and the urge to splurge on fun.
Slow and Sure Wins the Race
Building security is the theme. How do we prepare for the future in a way that honors our values and needs in the present? One of the ways is to move slowly. Realize that long-term thinking plays a part. Think about how your actions will affect your world six months from now, six years from now, three decades from now.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, so we know that it’s got to be solid. The Taj Mahal wasn’t built in a day (it actually took 22 years)! So even if we’re not aiming to create one of the Seven Wonders of the World, we are meant to keep an eye on the prize. Make your life an act of beauty, a work of art, and take the time you need to invest, little by little. You’ll get there.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
~Lao Tzu
Wishing you a nourishing Full Moon!

Astrological readings with Erin Reese investigate the most important points of your soul's journey as revealed in your birth chart. Your reading will highlight the key transits over the next two to three years, and pinpoint exactly what you're working through right now. To make a booking for yourself or a loved one, contact Erin directly. Recording of the session is included. Treat yourself or a loved one with this unique and purposeful holiday gift. Check out a complete list of services here.
Erin Reese is a spiritual guide, astrologer, and psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. Consider giving your loved one an astrology or psychic tarot consultation. She can be reached at
Awesome! Thanks Erin!