Tonight we have a Full Moon in the highly-sensitive cardinal
water sign of Cancer beaming down on us. This Full Moon sets off the ongoing cardinal
Pluto-Uranus square. We are being pushed by these potent outer
planets to evolve and change, and no individual is immune to this transit.
In stark contrast at a 180-degree opposition to this sensitive Cancerian Moon stands Pluto in
Capricorn, revealing structures, traditions, ways within and without that are
outdated and, to put it bluntly, are rotting way past their expiry date –
things that must be recycled, composted. There is a death process going on which
will eventually lead to rebirth but excruciatingly thorough Pluto is never
quick and will take his time with his transmogrification.
T R A N S M O G R I F I C A T I O N. Now there’s a word. It sounds exactly like it feels – a grand transformation
with often grotesque effect. That’s Pluto in Capricorn squaring Uranus in Aries
in a toe-to-toe showdown. Uranus is impatient enough as it is (he is the planet
of instantaneous) and to boot, he’s in the hasty hotheaded sign of the Ram. He’s
tapping his toe arguing with Pluto to get on with the show. “Let the death
occur, already!” says Uranus, the Awakener. “I have a liberation lined up and
aching to happen!”
Groan. Yes, the Pluto Uranus square, which began in 2011,
will continue throughout the year, peaking (or shall I write, piquing) March 15, 2015 to be exact. Thus
ends the bulk of the long dispute between these two outer planets, an
exclamation point more than a closed chapter, as the effects will linger in our
inner and outer worlds. Where these two planets fall in your personal chart houses
will reveal more to you about what is being asked to slough off in your life
(Pluto) and what is being asked to wake
the bleep up and individuate (Uranus).
At this Full Moon in Cancer, our emotions hold the clues as
to what is brewing, stewing, looming in this Plutonian-Uranian evolutionary
process. Notice: what are you getting teary-eyed about, or perhaps even sobbing
over? What is worrying you, gnawing at you, or even bordering on a bit of Macbethian
Perhaps you’re feeling pulled apart, like your heart is
screaming at you (“I’m in pain!”) or you just can’t feel a foothold in the
ground. Likely, it’s not just a small thing that just popped up recently out of
nowhere, no. It’s probably a raw exposed nerve that has needed your attention
for several months, or likely years – and in some cases, decades or lifetimes.
It’s time to grant this emotional issue some air time. Take note, with Pluto opposing
this Full Moon, it’s also likely to be somewhat unpalatable, messy,
embarrassing, dark, and definitely private if not a total secret. Maybe you can eke out a little bit
of the truth now – just a little – if only to yourself. It will feel good to get honest, like a pressure relief valve releasing steam.
Now, not all of us will feel this emotional wave during this
Full Moon time. But enough people will be that I’m writing this to say: You are
not alone. It’s like cosmic hormone time, and we’re in it together. Those
hormones have something to offer you, and that something is EMOTIONAL HONESTY.
rules the home and the hearth – our actual home that we live in and the psychic
space – our most personal, private root system. If there’s a way you’re not
feeling AT HOME in your life, it may be highlighted now. We can use this watery
upwelling at this time to see where our emotional plumbing, our feelings of connectivity
to ourselves and others, may be polluted or clogged-up or in need of repair.
Cancer also rules the tribe and family, so if something is awry in your most
intimate relationships, that will probably come to light at this time.

Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at
Another perceptive post--right on the money yet again! Thank you for this deep insight, Erin.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Alicia! It feels good to offer this to the world community - especially to those that are experiencing the emotional wringer that often accompanies total and complete change.
ReplyDeleteYou're Awesome Erin! Thank you for supporting us on our journeys on this Earth with our Hearts and Souls intact:)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dr. Gwendolyn. Your work is a part of the journey, too! Blessings, Erin