Today, we have a New Moon in Aquarius the Water Bearer. A
cosmic, progressive and mental air sign, Aquarius pours a stream of fresh
consciousness upon us, waking us up and inspiring our hearts. Ruled by both traditional Saturn and
revolutionary Uranus, the Water Bearer is both logical and intuitive.
We have two New Moons this year in the sign of the Water
Bearer (the next is February 18), a rare occurrence. The future-planning seeds
we plant in our minds now are especially potent. Where to begin? We examine the
stirrings in our inner and outer lives for clues. Use the Aquarian gift of
detachment. Just as if you were a
scientist, with an objective approach, ask: What
naturally and logically happens next in my life?
Many clients and friends are experiencing tremendous
challenges and life-and-death situations. Some are questioning their core
relationships, wondering if they are in the right partnership, or if their marriage
is healthy for them. Some people are losing relatives through death, and the rug feels pulled out from underneath. Others may be on the brink of a major scientific or
creative discovery, pounding out long hours in the laboratory or at the keyboard, with a hunch it's going somewhere, but not sure.
All of those emotions that have been stirred up through the imminent Pluto-Uranus square have exposed any muck that needs to exit our lives – it’s all been brought to the surface. Now, we draw upon that natural drive of curiosity we have carried since childhood, and look more closely. Remember, we are not only being asked to change, we’re being pushed to downright evolve; therefore, we need embody a great deal of insight to overcome our innate conditioning, which carries an incredible amount of inertia. Once again, the keen insight and impartiality of Aquarius come in handy. You can see clearly now: Where are you chained by your inclinations, desires, proclivities?
The Witnessing Mind
This is the time of Aquarius, the scientist, the great observer.
When we don our witnessing hat, we can handle whatever we are going through much more gracefully. We don’t have to judge it – it is,
ultimately, neither good nor bad. It just IS. We can watch ourselves attempting
to change the situation, and we can watch ourselves succeeding or failing at making
desired changes. We may see ourselves at our most magnanimous, or our most
childish. No judgment.
All of those emotions that have been stirred up through the imminent Pluto-Uranus square have exposed any muck that needs to exit our lives – it’s all been brought to the surface. Now, we draw upon that natural drive of curiosity we have carried since childhood, and look more closely. Remember, we are not only being asked to change, we’re being pushed to downright evolve; therefore, we need embody a great deal of insight to overcome our innate conditioning, which carries an incredible amount of inertia. Once again, the keen insight and impartiality of Aquarius come in handy. You can see clearly now: Where are you chained by your inclinations, desires, proclivities?
The Witnessing Mind
This is the time of Aquarius, the scientist, the great observer.

With the non-attached
tool of the witnessing mind – pure, objective awareness – we can simultaneously experience
whatever is happening and remain
immune to a great deal of suffering. Spiritual practices (sadhana) can be very useful. Examples include meditation, hatha yoga
(asana), selfless service (seva), studying sacred texts or words of
wisdom (jnana), or simply striving to
change your attitude to one of gratitude. Whatever helps you get a little
perspective and see things in a non-judgmental fashion – that’s a good way to cultivate
the witness.
Examine the events of your life – past or present –
as if you were watching them happen to someone else, or in a movie. Be fearlessly,
totally objective. If you remove all identification and judgment of the events
and behaviors of yourself and others, how much would the story you are telling
yourself change? Can you see how getting a little distance can be a powerful,
freeing tool?
Achievable Vision
This New Moon is in a harmonious sextile with workhorse Saturn,
newly in the fire sign of Sagittarius. This gives us the gift of long-term
vision. What do you need in order to achieve that great dream of yours? Do you
need to go back to school? Move towns, states, or even nations? Sign up for a
year-long course with a spiritual guide or yoga training? If you’re really
honest with yourself, what needs to happen in order to get from A to Z over the
next two and a half years of your life? Now is the time to take a bird’s-eye,
non-attached view. Your dreams are
achievable, and this New Moon offers a jolt of mental fortitude.
Aquarius, being a fixed sign, is very good
at finishing things that others sometimes leave by the wayside. One of the ways
the Water Bearer creates freedom in the life is through freeing oneself up of
responsibilities by meeting them in the first place. Free yourself by meeting
your obligations, so you can move on and be done with it. This is one trick to
a happy life.
It can be hard to get Aquarius' concentrated air energy moving –there’s
a lot of resistance there – but when the activity starts, it’s like a steady
wind steering a sailboat straight into harbor. Sail on.
Mercury Retrograde:
January 21 to February 11
The day after this New Moon, Mercury stations and is
retrograde from January 21 through February 11, adding another important flavor
to this lunation: don’t be afraid of revisiting old material and situations
that you feel you’ve already spent ample time addressing. Perhaps you NEED this
second look in order to better understand, using your keen eye of detachment.
Maybe you need to update a marketing plan, a class, a tax strategy.
In fact, why don’t we just get the bulk of our 2014 taxes
done during Mercury Retrograde, waiting until later to file them (after Mercury’s
direct!) but getting everything ready now? Won’t it feel good to have those
taxes done early this year?
And, as per usual with Mercury in reverse – be sure to dot
your i’s, cross your t’s, and carefully scrutinize any new contracts you might
be entering into at this time. Back up your computer, and avoid buying major
mechanical, electrical, or computer equipment until this time blows over where
possible. It’s a super time for repairs, redux and redo.
Erin Reese is an author, spiritual guide, astrologer, and modern psychic reader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works with clients all over the world. For readings and spiritual counseling by Skype, phone or email, contact her directly. She can be reached at
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